Sunday, December 10, 2017

Single Adult Fireside

 This isn't the greatest picture, but I snuck it before church started. Frank gave a talk today in church, after having to cancel twice (Mary's death & then he was sick). He did a nice job & talked about the sacrament & the Atonement. I was very proud of him.

 We came home, had dinner, and then Frank & I went back over to the church. Our ward was in charge of food for the Single Adult Fireside. Out of the RSPresidency, I volunteered to go & be in charge of the food b/c I had done this so many times before when I was in the Single Adult program. Plus, I wanted to hear the Stake Presidency's Christmas messages. It was SO NICE having Frank there w/ me this time. There were a few single adults there that I knew, and they were beyond excited to meet Frank & congratulate us on our marriage & pregnancy.

It was a good turnout, and there were A LOT of leftovers. We sent a bunch home w/ people to give to their kids. There was still a lot of food left over after that, so we took it home to our kids & they were thrilled to have a treat.

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