Saturday, January 20, 2018

Temple, Musical, & Pizza

 It was so nice to sleep in this morning & wake up when my body was ready. We dropped Autumn off at her friend's house at 1:00 so they could spoil her for her birthday & then Frank and I went to the temple. We did initiatories, b/c we had a bunch of family names that his Mom gave us that needed to be done. I'm so happy that I get to come here with Frank & that we live so close. We're going to try and go as much as we can between now & when the baby is born. Once the baby is born, it's going to be harder to go as often b/c she'll need me so much.

 Frank is a huge fan of musicals (seriously, could he be more perfectly custom made for me???), so I surprised him with tickets to the play tonight. He was blown away by how good & professional the whole thing was. He said this high school performance was better than the performance at his college he went to! It was fun to share it with him.

We got home and baked some Aldi pizzas for the kids, b/c they were coming home from the Stake dance and we knew they'd be hungry. Sean is in town visiting b/c his Grandma passed away and the funeral is coming up. This makes me so happy to have the kids bring their friends over b/c they know we'll feed them and b/c they feel comfortable here. What a great day!

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