Thursday, June 21, 2007

Attitude of gratitude

Since I have been absent for a week, I have been going through and catching up on looking at the postings of others I've missed. A lot of them dealt with gratitude. I wanted to make a little list of things I'm grateful for in no particular or all inclusive order:
  • Good friends that love me, care about me, are there for me, etc.
  • A good place to work. Jason has had a class all this week and next from 2:30 to 4:30, and we weren't able to find a babysitter, so I've had Autumn with me at work and I appreicate so much that my work has been flexible in letting me bring her in.
  • Change, even though it's hard sometimes
  • Amazing family and support
  • Prayer
  • Children. They are so innocent and loving and helpless. I love being a mom.
  • New little treats. (I went to IKEA last week and found some cheap but fun treasures that make me happy). Little things like a new welcome mat for the front door, a trash can for the bedroom, new laundry baskets, etc.
  • Even though it's small, an apartment to go home to every night, a bed to sleep in, etc.
  • Love. My Grandpa Jay appeared to my Grandma Ruth after he had died and told her, "All that matters is love." That phrase has brought me a lot of comfort lately.

So that's about it for now. And just a huge THANK YOU a million times over for everyone who has helped me in my life. You know who you are. I wouldn't be who I am or where I'm at in my life today without you.

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