Friday, June 1, 2007

A-Z's of me

A - Age: 27
B - Bed size: Queen (too small)
C - Chore you love: Vacuuming
D - Dessert you love: Pretty much anything sweet...but I do make some dang good peanut butter bars that taste just like Reese's peanut butter cups
E - Essential start your day item(s): Cuddling with Jason, glass of OJ, kissing on my baby, and Will and Grace on Lifetime
F - Favorite movie(s): Newsies, Pride & Prejudice, Steel Magnolias, Sense & Sensibility (in no particular order)
G - Gold or Silver: Silver
H - Height: 6'1"
I - Instruments you play: Piano
J - Job title: Office Manager for Prosper Draper office, mother of Autumn, and wife of Jason
K - Kid(s): Autumn (4 months), and 3 great step kids...Jewlsey (2), Justy (5), and Bubzy (7)
L - Living arrangements: Women's penitentiary (thanks Walker) U of U married student housing 2 bedroom cinder block walls apartment
M- Most important things in life- LOVE, LOVE, LOVE "All that matters is love." ~Grandpa Jay
N - Nicknames: Lissie Poo Ha Ha, FooFoo
O - Obsession(s): Blogging, getting my nails done
P - Phobia: People in costumes (I freak out and cry like a baby)
Q - Quote(s): For ever, for always, and no matter what; Pink is my signature color
R - Right or left handed: Right
S - Siblings: 1 sister, 2 brothers
T - Top 3 favorite activities: eating, sleeping, swimming
U - Unique thing about me: I am shorter on my left leg than my right
V - Vegetable you hate: Tomatoes...I love ketchup and spaghetti sauce, I just can't do fresh raw tomatoes
W - World Travels: Slovenija, Germany, Canada, Mexico, Marshall Islands, Jamaica, Grand Cayman
X- X-men, what would your supernatural power be: I would love to be able to fly
Y - Yummy food you remember from childhood: Rouladen, eggrolls, and butterhorn rolls (not all in the same meal)
Z- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio technically, but I'm really more of a Libra

1 comment:

AJ said...


I love this! Do you mind if I steal the idea???