At work, my bosses are too cheap to buy forks and spoons for us, so they have opted to buy sporks. I don't know what it is about sporks, but they make me laugh. Whoever thought of sporks is really creative. However, I think they work better as spoons as opposed to forks (at least the plastic kind we have at work). I use the spork as a spoon in the morning when I'm eating my cereal. And it works great except for when the milk runs out the slots between the fork part. But, when I go to use the fork part to eat my lunch, it doesn't work at all. I can't "stab" anything with the fork portion. I know this is nothing deep or profound, but just something I've been thinking about that I wanted to write about. I think the first time I saw a spork was at KFC. Sporks work great with KFC potatos and gravy. Yum...now I'm hungry.
Do you think sporks work better as spoons or forks or both or neither?
As I was reading this I was thinking the same, the first time I seen a spork was at KFC as well. I prefer spoons and forks.. but sporks are better than nothing. Does it make you miss going shopping with Lawson and getting whatever we needed. Everyone here misses you, they were talking about you yesterday how wonderful you are.:)
They don't work well as forks. Honestly, I just chew on the ends until it's a mangled pile of plastic. Then I eat with my hands. :o)
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