Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday Fun

I got home from work today and Kim had made creamy chicken enchiladas (YUMMMM O), 7 layer bean dip, and she also made a fresh fruit salad with strawberries, fresh pineapple, and guava. This is a picture of a guava, which I thought was cool, b/c I've never seen the pit of a guava. It's usually just the weird oval shaped pit covered with guava, but this was the real exposed pit. It kind of looks like a big avacado. Anyways, just interesting. It was so nice that Kim cooked for us, b/c she said Fridays are her night off from cooking at her house. So that was a special treat.

After dinner we busted out the Wii and played bowling. Kourtney & Kim had never played before, and Andrew was way into it. He was laughing and clapping and having a blast while we bowled. (Yes, that's my Mii on the screen. Do you think it looks like me? LOL!)

Kim's favorite game was the tennis. She was imitating the people in the crowd that jump up and down when the ball gets hit into the crowd. We were all laughing so hard. It was such a fun evening and it was so good having them here to visit. I miss living near them, and I can NOT even believe how much Kourtney has grown up. I remember when she was born and now she's a teenager!!! Dang, I'm getting old!

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