Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Where Can I Turn For Peace?

IMG_8363I knew today was going to be a very hard day emotionally, so during my lunch break I got out of the office and went to my normal place to walk.  It doesn’t look like much, but it’s 2 huge parking lots right near the office where I go and walk out my frustrations w/ life.  The weather has been GORGEOUS lately w/ a high temp of about 72 w/ a really nice breeze.  I just listen to my ipod and “walk it out.”

IMG_8361Today, however, I knew I was going to need more than just a walk to help get me through the afternoon.  I have always just walked around the parking lots, but today I noticed these 2 trees growing close together, so I went over and sat on the picnic bench underneath them.

IMG_8362 This was the view looking up.  The sun was shining through the trees and the breeze was making the branches sway back and forth.  It was so peaceful that I laid down on the bench and turned my ipod to “Dreaming W/ A Broken Heart” by John Mayer and just let the tears flow freely.  It helped me to face the sad news I was about to receive that a very dear and very close friend was having a hard time and there was nothing I could do to help.  I hate the feeling of wanting to help but not being able to.

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