This morning on the way to drop Autumn off at daycare this was the view. Isn’t it GORGEOUS??? I love it when the sun shines through the clouds like that. It made me SO HAPPY and makes me think that beauty in nature like this is a small present from God reminding me He loves me. I know that sounds cheesy and cliché, but it’s true…I find so much joy and happiness and peace in the beauty of nature.
I was talking to Liz about something, I can’t remember what and somehow the subject came up of the Salted Caramel Signature Hot Chocolate at Starbucks. She said it was amazing and out of this world. I felt like I needed something comforting, and a warm cup of hot chocolate sounded comforting to me, so I went and got one on my lunch break. Starbucks doesn’t do the SALTED hot chocolate anymore, it’s just a regular caramel hot chocolate. And I have to say, I did NOT like it very much at all. I only drank 1/2 of it and gave the other 1/2 to Liz so she could enjoy it, b/c I didn’t. It has a gross after taste. Not to mention the fact that it was $3.15 and it has 460 calories and a sickening 22 grams of fat! NEVER AGAIN! I think I’ll stick w/ making my own hot chocolate w/ the Stephen’s mix.
But in defense of Starbucks, I do have to say that their Caramel Apple Spice drink is AHHH-MAZING!
After work/school Autumn & I went over to Mom & Dad’s. Autumn went swimming w/ Dad and had a blast throwing her Ariel doll and then jumping in and getting it. She is awfully brave when she has her arm floaties on. Mom had made a dinner of veggies, and it was SOOO GOOD! I LOVE veggies. We had asparagus, cabbage, and broccoli. YUMMMM.
Today at WalMart I got Autumn some “big girl panties” so I can try and start getting her potty trained. She moved up to the 3 year old class room yesterday (even though she’s only 2 1/2) and I figured I need to start getting the idea in her head. She LOVED the panties so much that she insisted on wearing 2 pairs at the same time! LOL!
She was jumping around the room and dancing w/ them. You would have thought it was Christmas. I had her go sit on the toilet before she put them on, and then set the timer for 30 min. I’ve heard that’s the best way to potty train a child…have them go sit on the toilet every 30 min even if they don’t need to go, they at least need to sit on there. I told her at least 8 times that if she needs to go potty she needs to come and tell me and have her repeat it back to me. Not 10 minutes into her wearing her big girl panties, she peed right on the carpet! Oh, well. I’ll have to try and potty train her when I’m at our house b/c it’s tile everywhere instead of carpet.
Any suggestions on what works for potty training?
She sure does love that Ariel doll. Where did she get it?
How I trained my kids was have her wear panties all the time when she is awake ( except car rides) ,set a timer for 10 min. and when the timer goes off take her potty. DOn't ask her ,just take her by the hand and walk with her and stay with her.
Bribery works too.
M&Ms worked for my kids.
They got 1 M&M for pee
and 2 for poo.
Don't get upset about accidents,
just put on a new pair and set the timer again.
Talk to her teacher at school and see how they do it and if ya'll are on the same page.
I got this way of potty training from my daughters montessori teacher.
I used this method for both of my kids . They were both trained by age 2.
THe hardest part was we stayed home for 2 weekends straight and all we did was take them potty.
We used daipers for naps and long car rides and that was it. No pullups were used b/c they felt too much like diapers.
Hope the advice helps.
Keep us posted on how it goes.
love your blog.
found it through Sloane's or Penny's blogs that I found theirs through my friends Stella's blog ( her blog is titled I tripped and fell into surburban bliss)
forgot to tell you to keep resetting the timer after each time she goes.
Good luck with that...I was a nanny and had the privilege of potty training a little boy. He thought it was more fun to go in front of the toilet instead of in it :) Again...good luck!
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