Lately I have had a lot on my mind regarding a huge decision I need to make. I have been praying to receive an answer, but have not received anything yet. I have had people around me who love me and care for me telling me impressions and feelings that they have had. Sometimes those impressions and feelings that others have had about me are conflicting, and it has been confusing to me. I have always known that everyone is entitled to their own personal revelation and I have never been one to discount what someone says they feel. So why are the people around me getting mixed signals about my situation?
I was feeling discouraged and wondering what to think about the whole situation and why Heavenly Father would tell one person one thing, but then tell another person another thing? I decided to go to and clicked on this talk. UM, talk about an IMMEDIATE answer to prayers!!! Here are some things it said:
- I should enter that [place] with my mind entirely free from all influence that would prevent the operation of the Spirit of God upon me. I should go in a prayerful spirit, asking God to write upon my heart His will; not with my own will already prepared, and determined to carry out my will … , regardless of everyone else’s views. If I were to go, ...with this spirit, then the Spirit of God would be felt in our midst, and that which we would decide upon would be the mind and will of God, because God would reveal it to us. We would see light in the direction where we should go, and we would behold darkness in the direction we should not go.
- I have had prayers answered. Those answers were most clear when what I wanted was silenced by an overpowering need to know what God wanted. It is then that the answer from a loving Heavenly Father can be spoken to the mind by the still, small voice and can be written on the heart.
I had planned on going to the temple today, but won't be able to go until tomorrow. But I am going to spend the rest of today and tomorrow w/ a prayer in my heart that I can be in tune to what Heavenly Father wants for me and that I can then have the faith to follow whatever my answer from Him will be.
You can do it, Foof! I'll keep a prayer in my heart all day long for you, too. Rada te imam.
Lisa, I know you will get an answer. I love you, Debbie
He knows you and will give you an answer. I love you, too. I pray that you get an answer in the temple to ease your mind and heart. My prayers are with both of you.
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