Friday, August 20, 2010

Spending Time With Nate

IMG_7382 I am not used to getting up so early (5:45 am)! I got showered and then got Autumn ready for the day. She wasn’t in a very good mood when I woke her up but when I told her we were going to put some toys in her new backpack from Papa, she was wide awake and all for getting ready for the day. At 6:20, I went over to see if Mom & Dad & Nick were ready yet. It’s a good thing I did, b/c their alarm hadn’t gone off and they were still asleep! They hurried and got ready while we took the kids downstairs for breakfast. They were so happy to be like big kids w/ backpacks and even happier when I let them push the buttons on the elevator to go to the lobby and to close the doors.

IMG_7384 We had breakfast and while we waited for Mom & Dad, they got some of their toys out of their backpacks and were playing together so cutely. Mom & Dad finally came down and ate and we hit the road so we could make it to graduation on time.

IMG_7387 Dad dropped us off as close to the parade field as he could and then he went and parked. Autumn and Andrew were so excited and ran most of the way. They looked so cute in their backpacks and even held hands at one point (but only for a little bit).

IMG_7388 I wanted to get a picture of us under this sign on the bridge. Mom said to duck down and Lex & Nick weren’t quite ready yet. The kids ran up this ramp, ran over the bridge, and ran down the other side. You would think they were in the Air Force w/ how much they were running.


IMG_7416 We got to the parade field and sat as high up in the bleachers as we could so we could try and be in the shade. However, we still had a whole other hour until the graduation ceremonies started (more hurry up and wait), and the kids were already getting restless, so Jon & I took them on a walk to see all the airplanes on display around the parade field. These two were my favorites b/c of what was painted on them. I told the kids to put their arms up in the air like the knight in the one on the left. Then I liked the one on the right b/c it was a girl (go girl power). The kids had a blast and burned off a bunch of energy.

IMG_7413 This memorial is in the middle of a circle that has all the flags for the 50 states around it. They didn’t want to hold still so I could take a picture, so I told them to stand at attention and pretend like they are airmen. While we were walking around, the band was practicing and Andrew was marching around and some people walk by and he saluted them. It was cute.

IMG_7423 Finally it was time for the ceremony to begin. It was a lot like the one yesterday where they had a few people talk (like the general) and they had a plane fly overhead. I thought it was going to be a fighter jet like they do at the Stadium of Fire in Provo for the 4th of July, but it was more a big cargo type plane. (Nate just told me it was a C-17, which is the type of plane he’ll be jumping out of).

IMG_7430After that, they had all of the airmen walk towards the bleachers so they could walk down the Bomb Run. This is one of Nate’s TI’s and the Gidon Bearer (the guy the carries his flights flag).

IMG_7432The Bomb Run is a long walkway that they walk down during graduation. I wasn’t paying super close attention b/c Autumn was complaining that the sun was in her eyes and she was hot and she wanted a drink, etc. But, I think they said it’s to honor the fallen enlisted soldiers. They had 4 American flags leading the group holding the State flags. I made me feel so patriotic.

IMG_7437This is at the end where they had to raise their right hand and repeat the Oath of Enlistment.

I, Nathan Lee Johnson, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

IMG_7439 After that, we were allowed to go out on the field and get Nate. It was cool b/c Dad wore his Army dress blues and looked so handsome and regal. It was a proud moment for our family.

IMG_7440This picture isn’t anything amazing or special, but it means a lot to me and makes me teary eyed just looking at it. It’s my family (except for Nick b/c he was walking too fast) all happy and holding hands and celebrating Nate’s great accomplishment. It makes me so proud and happy.

IMG_7442 This was a cute one of this strong, proud, disciplined military man holding hands w/ some of the greatest treasures in his life, w/ the rest of the family in the background. I’m just a big emotional hot mess today (but I wouldn’t have it any other way).

IMG_7446Now these next two pictures really put me over the edge and instead of just getting teary-eyed, the tears well up at the bottom of my eyes and spill over the edge and onto my cheeks. I know Nate’s face is kind of covered, but I love the little smile Dad has on his face and how proud he is of Nate. I love how Mom is just beaming in the background while looking at her two military men. This is such a neat picture.

IMG_7447 What two handsome men! Not only are they father/son. Not only are they friends. Now they have a common military bond. I am so proud of both of them and am eternally thankful that I was able to be there today and to get to witness such a monumental event in Nate’s life.

IMG_7450We got to go to the dorms and see where Nate has been living the last 8 1/2 weeks. It was funny, b/c any airmen that saw Dad as we walked by had to salute him (and he saluted back) b/c he’s an officer. It was kind of cool to see that. Here are our guys lined up next to Nate’s locker.

IMG_7455 He was showing us how everything in his locker has to be perfect and evenly spaced.

IMG_7454 Then he showed us his drawer and how tightly all of his shirts have to be rolled, how his towel has to touch certain parts of the drawer, etc. I told him to squat down by it so I could get a picture and right at the last second Autumn leaned over to see the drawer and put her head in the picture, that’s why Nate’s laughing in this picture.

IMG_7453 At the end of his bed there was a letter for the parents along with a little blue pin that says Air Force on it. He got to pin it on Mom, which was cool to see.

IMG_7456Here’s Nate with his two TI’s. He didn’t know if it was ok for him to get a picture with them, so I decided to ask if we could get a picture since I can’t get in trouble. Tee hee hee. They talked to Dad for a minute and it was getting crowded, so I went out and stood in the hall to get out of the way. I happened to be standing next to a senior airman and all of a sudden he yelled something really loud and it scared the crap out of me and I stood at attention really fast. I had no idea what was going on, but after he finished yelling, I went out in the stairwell to ask Dad what just happened. He said that yelling was to call all the airmen to attention b/c Dad (as an officer) had walked out of the room! We all laughed so hard that we got so scared and that they had to do that just b/c Dad walked out of the room.

IMG_7457 Nate had to stay in the dorms until all of his flight had checked in. So, we walked back over to where we had parked the cars. Autumn was complaining about being hot and tired, so she somehow talked Aunt Lexie into carrying her! Spoiled little stinker.


IMG_7461 Dad could not get out of his uniform fast enough, b/c he was just sweating like crazy since it’s wool. He was saying how heavy it was and gave it to Nick to try on just to see. Nick said it was all wet b/c it was so sweaty. I thought it was funny b/c he was wearing this fancy jacket and hat with shorts and sandals. I wanted to try on the hat b/c I think it looks like a pilot’s hat.

IMG_7462 All of us loaded in the Durango and left Mom & Dad w/ Lexie & Jon’s car so they could wait for Nate to be released and then they were going to a training for spouses/parents of airmen. We were hungry, so we stopped at Chipotle to get some lunch.

IMG_7463 After we finished eating, we were just sitting and talking and Autumn found a way to keep herself entertained. She used the napkins like a blanket and covered up her dolls and wrapped them up.

IMG_7464We went back to the hotel to relax and cool off. We thought the kids would take a nap, but us parents ended up dozing off for a little bit while they played. Finally Mom & Dad & Nate got done and came back to the hotel. We asked Nate what he wanted to do and he said he just wanted to relax for a little bit. He was checking email and Facebook and listening to music.

IMG_7467 But, his favorite part was that we brought him some cologne (at his request) and he put it on right away and was so happy to get to smell good again.

IMG_7468Dad had gotten these UT swim trunks for Jon for his birthday and Dad noticed that one little pocket at the bottom of the shorts was heavy and thought it was the metal tag thing they put on clothes so they won’t get stolen, and he thought the store clerk had forgotten to take it off. NOPE! It was a bottle opener that is built into the shorts! Jon said that’s b/c UT is such a party school and a lot of the students like to float down the Guadalupe River while drinking beer.

IMG_7466 The kids were so happy that they got some time to just burn off some energy and be wild and crazy and play. I went in the other room to check on them and found Andrew jumping from one bed to the other. I love that I caught him midair and the expression on his face.

IMG_7471We asked Nate what he wanted to do and he said he wanted to go swimming, so we put on our suits to head down to the pool. Lexie told me she had found a really cute swimming suit at WalMart the other day and was excited to show it to me. Lo and behold, we got the SAME swimsuit! LOL! We were laughing so hard about it.

IMG_7472 I for sure have the bigger boobs, but I also have the bigger belly and arms and thighs. I would trade boobs any day for Lexie’s cute figure.

IMG_7474We had fun swimming and then relaxing in the hot tub. The kids had fun pushing Dad off the side and into the pool over and over and over. I think Nate enjoyed it b/c that’s the only activity he can do where he doesn’t have to be wearing his uniform.

IMG_7476 After swimming, we all came back to the room and got dressed so we could go to dinner. I put Autumn in one of her new $3 shirts I got at WalMart. Lexie saw it and ran into the bedroom and came back out wearing her shirt that said “Love” on it. We’re just a bunch of great minds that think alike in swimsuits and t-shirts that match.

IMG_7477Such a cute picture (except for Nate’s BCGs) of future Airman Andrew Guymon.

IMG_7482 We loaded in the cars and headed up the freeway to go to dinner. The kids were being awfully quiet and I turned around to see them both completely zonked out just a few minutes after we had gotten in the car. We’ve been staying up late and getting up early and they were both exhausted.

IMG_7484We went to dinner at Rudy’s, which is this fun home cooking type BBQ place. They just give you a wax sheet of paper for your plate and a loaf of bread and some meat and you make your own sandwiches. Their creamed corn is to die for! It’s incredible. I have heard lots of good things about Rudy’s and this was my first time eating there and I would definitely go back again.

IMG_7485 Autumn had only gotten a 5 minute nap in the car and was CRANKY! She was whiny and moody and being a little stinker. I tried talking to her and she wanted nothing to do with me, so Uncle Nate stepped in and picked her up and carried her into the baseball stadium. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture and it’s definitely one I’m going to have printed off and hang it up in my house.

IMG_7493The reason we went to the San Antonio Missions baseball game is that the airmen could sign up to go and instead of having to be back in the dorms at 8:00 like usual, they are allowed to stay out until the game gets over. This is a picture of Evan, the airmen that Nathan bonded with. He lives just a few towns away from where we do and it was nice to meet him and his family.

IMG_7497 While they were standing and talking, a few other guys from their flight came over and were talking with them too. I found it funny that even though they hadn’t seen their families in 8 1/2 weeks they preferred to spend time talking to each other b/c of the bond they had created. We told them to take a “serious” faced picture for this one.

IMG_7498 In this one, we told them to smile and the guy on the right didn’t understand I guess. Right after this picture, we ended up leaving b/c Autumn had a MAJOR meltdown. She had just reached her limit of being tired and hot and thirsty and worn out. She wanted some cotton candy and I told her no and she freaked out. So, we left Dad there with Nate and the rest of us came back to the hotel and went to bed.


Michael said...

I really like all of these pictures. I'm so proud of Nate. He looks so handsome. You don't look so bad yourself in that bathing suit ;)

tara said...

I love Rudy's too ! You can find the recipe for their cream corn of you google it.