Sunday, August 1, 2010

Super Sunday

IMG_7095Autumn was really good at church today, and I even got up and bore my testimony, which I haven’t done in such a long time b/c I didn’t know how she would react if I went up to talk.  Would she freak out?  Would she try and come up with me and then act crazy on the stand while I was talking?  Would she just sit in our seat without running around?  She ended up sitting with the Deckers who were 2 rows in front of us and was good.  I bore my testimony about how important good music is b/c Autumn is learning simple but powerful gospel truths through songs.  Her favorite right now is Follow The Prophet and I’m grateful that I can teach her about how we have a living prophet (like Noah or Moses) in our day.  She knows what he looks like and that his name is President Monson.  Being able to teach her simple but vital truths makes me happy.  I also shared in my testimony how thankful I am for Joseph Smith and that he had the courage to stand up for what he said he saw instead of saving himself a lot of persecution by denying it.  Also, because of the restoration of the gospel that families can be together forever.

In Primary the lesson today was on David & Goliath and it is estimated that Goliath was 9’ 9” tall and that his armor weighed 150 lbs.  I took a tape measure to show the kids just how tall 9’ 9” tall is and that b/c David trusted in the Lord he was able to defeat such a big obstacle.  Then we talked about what the Goliaths in our own lives are and how we can overcome them with the Lord’s help.

IMG_7097Autumn wanted me to braid her hair today, but I twisted it instead and then pinned it in the back and put a cute flower and she looked really cute today, especially in her flower dress and pink jelly shoes.

IMG_7100 Nick was getting ready to go to his ward and was in the bathroom shaving and Autumn had to be in there with him to see what he was doing.  I snuck a picture from out in the hallway and overheard this conversation:

Autumn: What you doing, sneaky sneaky Nick? (She calls him that b/c I call him Snicky Nicky.)
Nick: Shaving.
Autumn: Why you shave?
Nick:  So I’m not hairy.
Autumn: You a hairy?
Nick:  Ouch.  This is burning.
Autumn:  You burn you self?

It just made me laugh to overhear then talking and how curious and inquisitive Autumn is.

IMG_7101 After we changed into comfy clothes, we went over to Mom & Dad’s.  Mom had a carrot, roast, potatoes, and gravy for Sunday dinner.  I decided we needed a treat, so I tried a recipe that I’ve wanted to try for a long time.  It’s Steve’s (my old boss) recipe for his incredible chocolate chip cookies.  They didn’t turn out exactly like his do, but they were still incredibly good.  I actually am posting half of the normal recipe b/c otherwise it makes a TON of cookies.  Even with it being halved it made 5 dozen cookies.  You should definitely try them…you won’t be disappointed.

Steve’s Out Of This World Cookies

2 sticks not salted butter (not margarine)
1 c packed light brown sugar
1/2 c sugar
2 small eggs (3 big eggs if you double it)
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 tsp baking soda
3/4 tsp salt
3 c flour, all purpose unbleached
2 c (12 oz bag) chocolate chips

Cream butter, sugars.  Add eggs and vanilla.  Mix.  Then add dry ingredients.  Bake at 350 degrees for 8 to 9 minutes (they will look undercooked but don’t cook them any longer than 9 minutes).

IMG_7102We just vegged and watched TV, and there was even some Canadian football on, which made me so happy b/c I LOVE LOVE LOVE football season and am excited for it to start.  Autumn took a nap and then when I woke her up at 7:00 so she would still go to sleep tonight, she wanted me to put curlers in her hair.  She’s such a diva girl.  After curling her hair, she wanted to have some of Papa’s manly jello.  Mom & Dad had gone over to Maggie’s to borrow a movie but I didn’t want to watch it so I went in their room and watched Drop Dead Diva & then we came home so I could put Autumn to bed and watched Army Wives…my usual Sunday night ritual.  It was a super Sunday.

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