Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Bust & A Beauty

IMG_0844 We woke up and just had a lazy morning today.  Autumn saw her crown headband on the coffee table and wanted to wear it.  She also wanted me to put on the other one and told me to take a picture.  Autumn played and Nick and I watched a movie w/ Angelina Jolie back in 1997 called “True Women” on the Hallmark Channel.  It was really good and helped remind me of how much those who have gone before us had to sacrifice.

IMG_0847 When it got over at 1:00, I went and got showered and cleaned up and then Autumn and I went over to Liz & Liberty’s house so I could help Liz set up a blog.  Lola & Lady loved having Autumn there and kept climbing on her and giving her kisses.  She had a blast petting the puppies and playing with them.

IMG_0850 She was such a good girl, b/c it took Liz & I THREE hours to get Windows Live Writer onto her laptop.  We set up the blog just fine but then had to do all these other updates for WLW to work and had to restart her laptop 3 times and then WLW still wouldn’t work.  Autumn created a fort w/ pillows from the couch so the puppies couldn’t get her.

I felt so bad that it was a bust and that we couldn’t get WLW to work for Liz, and we finally called it quits after 3 frustrating hours.  Autumn & I left and 15 minutes later Liz called and said she was able to figure it out and had to register her email with Google or something like that.  Here’s her new blog.  YAY!

IMG_0853 We went over to Mom & Dad’s and had some food, and I was SO HUNGRY b/c it was 4:30 and I hadn’t eaten since 8 am.  Mom got home from shopping for a new dress to wear to Dad’s work party.  I told her to put on her new dress so I could get a picture before Dad left (he wanted to get to the party early).


IMG_0862 Mom went over later b/c she wanted to have her own car in case she decided to leave early.  She got all gussied up and looks so pretty.  Her new dress is so flattering and her new shoes are so cute.  She’s done so great and has lost 40 pounds since the beginning of last year!  Go Mom!

IMG_0863Mom left to go the party and Autumn & I just stayed at their house and watched TV.  When I got Autumn to hold still for 2 minutes, she was out like a light.  I thought it was funny that she fell asleep w/ a brush in her hand.  I just blogged and watched TV while she slept.  When she woke up, she wanted to watch some movies on Youtube.  We found some great ones that I remember from my childhood:

Three Little Pigs
The Grasshopper and the Ants
Lambert The Sheepish Lion
Pecos Bill (I always wished I was Slue Foot Sue when I was little)
Paul Bunyan

We finally went home at 10:30 and I didn’t think Autumn would go back to sleep b/c she had slept from 6-8:30, but she went right to sleep.  It was a fun day.

1 comment:

The Watson's said...

Your mom looks absolutely fantastic. Tell her I said so.

I can't believe you got snow, that is crazy!