Saturday, January 15, 2011

Twirling, Aprons, Pizza, & Charms

This morning we got up and just had a nice and leisurely time.  Finally at 10:30, I got dressed and took Autumn to the Outlet Mall.  I went to Lane Bryant to get some new bras (on sale) and found a super cute shirt for $10 and some new jeans (on sale).  Then on the way home I wanted to stop and get some pictures by the old barns that I love so much.  Autumn has been literally wearing her “sparkly church dress” every single day and I wanted to get some pictures of her wearing it.

IMG_3555 I kept trying to get her to spin around in her dress but she really didn’t want to and was being shy.

IMG_3567 YAY, I finally got her to spin around for me once.

IMG_3554 I don’t know if you were observant enough to notice, but she is wearing her super nice dress w/ Croc shoes!  That’s all she had at Mom & Dad’s house, so that’s what she wore.  I still think she looks adorable and in my mind I’m just going to pretend like they’re cute Mary Jane type shoes.  She’s such a cute little love bug.

IMG_3574 When we got back to Mom & Dad’s house, Autumn said she was hungry so I  made her a sandwich and then she wanted some Cheetos.  Because she refuses to take off her dress, I insisted that she wear an apron so she doesn’t get the cheese dust on her dress.  This is an apron Dad found for her in the pantry closet.  It was for a party he and Mom went to forever ago and it has written on it, “Mr. Romantic, Stepford Husband.”  LOL!

IMG_3575 For dinner, we went out to eat at a restaurant we had never tried before.  A few weeks ago I filled out an online survey about digital photography and websites I use to print my pictures, etc.  For filling out the survey, I got 2 $25 gift certificates to  Autumn didn’t have a coat so Dad let her wear his coat while walking into the restaurant.

IMG_3576 My stomach had still been bothering me a little bit, so I ordered a pizza and Mom & Dad said to get the 14” one we could take some leftovers home to Nick.  The pizza came out and it was HUGE.  This picture does it no justice, but trust me when I say one slice filled an entire plate.

IMG_3577 The food was good, but didn’t even hold a candle to Napoli’s, so we won’t be going back to this place again.  And, even with the $25 gift certificate, we spent over $30 b/c the fine print on the gift certificate says they add 18% gratuity and tax.  So, it’s really not that great of a deal.  But, it was fun to get out of the house and try something new.  As you can see from this picture, Autumn enjoyed it!


IMG_0938We went back to Mom & Dad’s when we were done so Nick could eat the left over pizza and then we just relaxed and watched football.  Autumn fell asleep at 4:30 and didn’t wake up until 8:30, so she was NOT tired at all when we finally went home at 10:00.  Jason & Nicole had sent Autumn a package w/ 4 gifts in it for her birthday and I let her open one of the presents tonight.  It was a charm bracelet and she was in 7th heaven.  She LOVED it and was so excited that she even wore it to bed.

I made her get in bed with me at 11:00 and put on some cartoons for her hoping that she would fall asleep if I laid down.  No such luck.  She didn’t fall asleep until around 4:00 am.  I hope she’s not super tired and cranky at church tomorrow!

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