Saturday, February 12, 2011

Gnomeo & Juliet

IMG_3670 This morning I woke up at 7:00 and got cleaned up and went to the temple for the 8:00 session.  I sat in the celestial room for a while and just enjoyed the peaceful feeling that’s so prevalent there.  Nick was a good helper and watched Autumn for so I could go.

IMG_1393 I got home and we cleaned up the house a little bit and then Liz came over at 11:00 so we could hang out.  We went to lunch at Chipotle’s and we did our usual arguing over who got to pay.  The guy at the counter just laughed at us and thought we were funny.  But, Liz ended up being sneaky and paying.  I didn’t realize I was so hungry, and it was so good.  After eating, we had some time to kill before going to our movie, so we went over to Old Navy.

I have been looking for a lunch box for Autumn b/c her new school doesn’t provide lunch, and I found these adorable old school ones at Old Navy.  This one was my personal favorite, but Autumn picked the one that has Blow Pop on it.


IMG_1395While we waited for Liz, Autumn went over to check out the mannequins.  She took a liking to this one and was touching his cheek to see if he was real or plastic.  Then she wanted to give him a big hug.

IMG_1396 She also wanted to pet the dog and give it hugs, too.  We left and went over to the movie theater to see Gnomeo and Juliet.  It was a cute movie and had humor that only adults would get.  After the movie, we went to Target so I could see if they had any lunch boxes.  They didn’t have any that I wanted to get, so we walked around.  We were walking down the shampoo aisle when we saw Dad!  He just happened to be there at the same time doing some shopping.  Autumn decided she wanted to go w/ him so she could ride in the Corvette.  I later learned Dad bought Autumn her very own booster seat just for the Corvette.

Liz needed to do some grocery shopping, and it was so nice to shop without having to worry about keeping Autumn entertained.  We checked out and then I took her back to my house so she could get her car and take her groceries home.  It was a lot of fun to spend the day w/ Liz.  She’s such a good friend and we always have a good time when we hang out.

I dropped off my groceries and then went to Mom & Dad’s house to see what Autumn Bottom was up to.  She was just playing w/ her dolls and watching Dora.  She ended up falling asleep for a couple of hours, and it’s amazing how quiet the house is when she’s asleep.  We just vegged out and watched TV for the rest of the evening.  It was a fun way to spend a Saturday.

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