Thursday, February 10, 2011

Take Your Child To Work Day

IMG_3659 Luckily the sun came out yesterday afternoon and melted most of the ice on the roads, so I was able to go into work today.  However, b/c the school district had a 2 hour delay, Autumn’s daycare was closed.  Dad came to pick up Nick so they could go to the temple, and Mom was still asleep so I just took Autumn into work with me for a little bit until Dad & Nick got done at the temple.  Then they stopped by my work on their way home to pick her up.

She loved getting to come to my work.  I made sure I had my laptop and brought a Barbie movie and Princess & The Frog to keep her entertained.  She said she was hungry, so I microwaved some Lean Cuisine eggrolls for her.  I was surprised that she ate 3 of them and then asked for more.  So, I warmed up 3 more for her and she ate all of those and then wanted more, so I gave her a yogurt I had in a fridge.  I wonder if she’s going through a growth spurt?  She was actually really well behaved and made sure to be really quiet when I was on the phone.

When my boss came in, she hid under the desk at first and then when he said hi and asked her a few questions she talked up a storm with him.  She followed him into his office and he has some mounted geese on his wall and she was asking a ton of questions about them.  It was kind of funny.  Anyways, Dad & Nick came and picked her up and took her home and watched her for me.

I got done w/ work and Mom called and said she didn’t want to cook and wanted me to pick up something on the way home.  She called in an order to our favorite Vietnamese place and I stopped and picked it up.  It was so good and fresh and just hit the spot.  Then we watched Wipe Out (so funny) and recorded American Idol and watched that after Wipe Out.

We finally left and came home and I got busy baking.  I made a 1/2 batch of Steve’s Out Of This World cookies and then some Chess Squares.  I read the recipe on Amanda’s blog and they looked so good that I just had to make them.  While they were baking, Nick & I watched 2 episodes of Whose Line Is It Anyway.  There was one skit that had Nick & I in tears from laughing so hard.  It doesn’t feel like tomorrow should already be Friday, but I’m really glad it is.

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