Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wintery Wednesday

IMG_1151 We spent the night at Mom & Dad’s last night b/c the roads are still really bad and the schools are closed, so Autumn doesn’t have daycare and my boss said I didn’t have to go into work today. Dad made us Texas shaped waffles for breakfast. I should have put some powdered sugar on the north part of Texas to represent how icy and cold it is here.

IMG_1153 Dad went upstairs to exercise and guess who wanted to go upstairs and “help” him. They weren’t going very fast on the elliptical, but Autumn was having fun and loving getting to exercise w/ her Papa.

IMG_1158 We watched our last DVD that we had rented. It was Disney’s Oceans. It was fascinating and the pictures were just incredible. I wish that it would have been a little bit more educational, but we still enjoyed it. Autumn was tired of being cooped up inside, so we got bundled up and went outside. There was this really cool and big icicle that had formed on the waterfall, which has been running non-stop for the past few days b/c of the freezing temperatures.

IMG_1161 Autumn had a blast smashing up this ice so she could throw it into the pool. There is a sheet of ice back by the picnic table and I stood on the part that wasn’t icy and held Autumn’s hands while she skated and slid around on the ice. She wasn’t paying attention once when she was throwing ice into the pool and slipped on the ice and fell on her bummy. It scared her, but she was fine.

IMG_1164 We found this cool icicle hanging from the house. I liked how you could see the rippled layers where the water had melted and dripped down and then frozen again. Pretty neat looking.


IMG_1166Autumn loved picking up the pieces of ice that Dad had chipped off of the sidewalk, and throwing them onto the driveway. Then she wanted to go play on the fort. We walked back there, but all this stuff that looks like snow is ice. It was really hard to walk on and we were even able to skate a little bit on it b/c it’s so frozen. Needless to say, we didn’t go play on the fort b/c it was too slippery just getting out there let alone climbing on it.

IMG_1167 I was finally able to convince her to come inside so we could thaw out. We spent the rest of the night making dinner (meatloaf and potatoes) and watching American Idol. I was going to have Dad take Autumn & I home, but then we found out the schools (and Autumn’s daycare) are going to be closed tomorrow. So, we stayed here b/c Mom & Dad are going to watch her for me if I go into work. She had such a good time playing w/ her dolls and it’s so fun to eavesdrop on her and what she has them say to each other. I hope the weather gets warmer soon b/c we are all getting a little cabin fever.

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