Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fun Packed Saturday Part 2

IMG_1849 After the fun time at the circus, we went back to Mom & Dad’s house and had left over enchiladas for dinner. Then it was out into the yard to do some hard manual labor. Last week Dad & a helper cut down the trees next to the garden b/c bugs had gotten to them and they were dead. So, today Dad decided to dig up the stumps. I went out to “help” him and wasn’t much of a help. I have no idea how he does it. I tried swinging the axe a few times at the root and barely even made a dent after 2 minutes of trying. He came over and had hacked through the root in just 2 swings of the axe. Here he is w/ one stump out, which was a LOT of work!

IMG_1858 While he was over there working hard, Autumn was having fun playing in the sand box. I got her to sit down on the rock by the tulips so I could get a picture since it’s such a nice setting. Emma came over and started sniffing at the little metal frog thinking it was real. Good old Emma.

IMG_1866 I am THRILLED that Mom is getting back to her old self. She came outside w/ us and she and I helped Dad plant some bushes near their bedroom windows. Then we went over to the garden to do some weeding. Autumn & I picked some asparagus and then Mom & Autumn ate it raw.

IMG_1872 The weather was so pleasant and perfect. I just can’t get enough of these purple wisteria along the fence by this cool old fashioned watering can.

IMG_1873 Mom was using the hose to water some plants in the garden and bushes by the pool. Autumn kept running up behind her and saying, “Nanny-a-boo-boo, you can’t get me.” Mom would turn around and pretend to spray Autumn. Well, one time she actually did get her shoes just a tiny bit wet and you would have thought the world was coming to and end. Autumn got this look of shock and horror on her face and then burst into tears that she had gotten wet. Mom & Dad & I couldn’t help but laugh so hard at how melodramatic Autumn was being. Mimi was nice and sat and gave her some snuggles to make her feel better.

IMG_1876 Dad was going down the rows of potatoes and turning up the dirt between them. This is one of my favorite pictures b/c it has the old watering can, wisteria, wagon wheel, fence, Dad in the garden, and our various signs (w/ Slovenija being my favorite). Anyways, Autumn was getting tired and cranky so I took her in the house and put Dora on for her. She ended up falling asleep, so Mom & I went to the store to get some groceries. I love shopping w/ Mom b/c we make a good team (plus she bought me some generic brand mint Oreo cookies that were SUPER good).

IMG_1881 We came home and put the groceries away and it was already 10:00 by this point. Last night Autumn had wanted to sleep outside on the medical exam tables, but it was too late to do it, so after the groceries were put away Dad helped me put some sheets and blankets on the tables so Autumn & I could sleep out there. I woke her up and made her go potty and put her in some warm jammies, b/c the temperature had dropped a lot and it was cold.

IMG_1884I thought Autumn was going to be up all night wanting to talk b/c she had been asleep for a good 3 hours when I woke her up, but she just talked for a little while and then went to sleep. I had a hard time falling asleep just b/c nature is a lot louder than I thought. Leaves kept making noise as they were being blown across the cement and the branches of the trees would creak and moan in the wind. Then there were still birds chirping and cars driving by on the road behind the house. I was finally able to fall asleep and hoped that Autumn wouldn’t pee during the night. What a fun way to end a spectacular Saturday…sleeping outside by the pool under the stars.

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