Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spending Time W/ Papa & Mimi

P1020522 We were lazy little bugs today after church.  Mom made a nice roast and carrots and potatoes for dinner b/c this will be the last Sunday she and Dad will be home for a while.  After we ate, Dad had to go to work so we vegged out on the couch and watched some TV.  Autumn was still hungry even though we ate not that long ago.  She got out these chips (the bag is as tall as her leg) to share w/ Mimi (but it’s more like Mimi is sharing them with her since they’re Mimi’s chips).

P1020524 Mom went upstairs to make a CTR bag for a kid in her Primary that is turning 8 and getting baptized.  She does that for all the 8 year olds out of the goodness of her heart.  Autumn LOVES going up to the sewing room w/ Mimi when is up there b/c it’s somewhere new and fun to play at.  It cracks me up how she has all her toys lined up on the cutting mat.

P1020531 After spending time w/ Mimi, she had to be fair and spend some time w/ Papa.  She wanted to go out in the garden to pick some veggies.  They found some yellow crook neck squash that were ready to be picked.

P1020537 I even went out in the garden and helped pull up some spinach that had gone to seed.  They planted some more squash seeds where the peas used to be (b/c the peas are done for the season) to see if they will grow.

P1020538Dad had her put this wire mesh cage around the place where she planted the seeds so she’ll know not to step there.  I love being out in the garden, but both Autumn and I are COVERED in chigger bites and they hurt like BEEP!  Those little bugs are so evil.  We didn’t really do anything else the rest of the day.  I worked on journaling for Project Life and am almost up to date and Autumn played w/ her toys.  We came home and I put Autumn to bed and watched Army Wives.  Ready for another week.

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