Friday, May 18, 2012

One Year Ago Today…

As you can see, I’m blogging again.  I was able to find my camera on Sunday (I’ll blog more on that later), so I’ve back dated and posted from Monday through Friday of this week.

P1020464 It’s hard to believe that one year ago today, my Dad & I experienced a huge tender mercy.  Every day that I drive through this intersection on my way to work, I think about how different my life could be if we had been standing in front of the Durango when a teenager rear ended it going over 40 mph!  Today I was especially emotional as I drove through that intersection and thanked my Heavenly Father for sending angels to protect us that day.

IMG_0279Tonight was nice and relaxing.  We had the juiciest grilled Ollie North chicken and steamed asparagus for dinner out on the patio b/c it was such nice weather and there was a nice breeze.  As you can see, we are getting good use out of the food tent that Autumn gave to Mimi for Mother’s Day.  It’s so nice to not have to keep shooing the flies and bugs away from our food.

tc Mary came over and brought us the 3 Tiger’s Curse books to read.  I read the first one online and started the 2nd one, but don’t have internet at home and I knew Mary had read them, so I called her.  She just happened to have ordered them and was willing to let me borrow them.  She even brought the first one so Mom could get hooked on them as well.  They’re like Twilight, but WAAAAAAY better.  I can’t wait for them to make a movie out of the books.

Anyways, we spent the rest of the evening just sitting outside and talking and then when it got too dark and the mosquitoes started coming out, Autumn and I went home so I could put her to bed and spend the rest of the night reading.  Once I get into a good book, I’ll usually stay up until 4 or 5 in the morning reading just b/c I can’t put it down.  However, I must be getting really old b/c I couldn’t stay up past midnight b/c my eyes would NOT stay open.  I tried to keep them open but it was like someone had attached weights to my eyelids.  So, I closed my book and went to sleep and will just have lots of fun reading to look forward to tomorrow.

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