Friday, June 8, 2012

A Bloody Nail & Shoe Shine

P1060725 Trying to shower this morning was fun.  I couldn’t get my finger wet, so I put a plastic baggie over my finger and secured it with a hair elastic.  Ghetto, I know…but it worked.

P1060726 It was a challenge trying to type at work today, but I made it through.  When I went to wash my hands, the band aid got wet so I took it off.  I needed to let my finger “breathe” and air out anyways.  All that black part is dried blood.  I super carefully and gently cleaned that off and put my finger guard back on to prevent me from hitting it on anything.

P1060730 We found out that Curt’s Dad died yesterday morning and that Curt was working feverishly all day yesterday, through the night, and all day today on making the casket.  So, we went over and got their shoes to shine them.  Dad had done that before for another family in our ward that had to attend a funeral.  It’s not a huge thing to do, but it a meaningful gesture.  Scott’s shoes (far left) had been shined just earlier that week, and Jake’s shoes (in the middle) were OK but could use a little help.  Curt’s shoes (on the far right) were in need of some major help.

P1060738 Nate shined the shoes and did such a good job.  All those times of doing it on his mission and in the military paid off.  We put a white handkerchief to wipe away all the tears they will shed, and some tic tacs b/c of the dry mouth you get from talking to so many people.  Plus that way they’ll have minty fresh breath.

P1060733 While Nate was shining shoes, Dad was helping AJ w/ the bricks.  AJ is doing some work a few hours a week to earn some money for wrestling camp.  They were chipping the mortar off of the bricks so they would lay flat.  They are going to put them down where the grass in the yard won’t grow and it just gets muddy when it rains.

P1060737 Dad went and swam w/ the kids since I can’t get my nail wet.  I helped Mom do fried parmesan chicken and fried zucchini.  It took forever b/c we had so much food b/c we were feeding so many people.  Mom and I make a good team in the kitchen.

P1060746 Today was the first time that Nate got to meet Jackson.  We weren’t sure if Jackson would warm up to him or not, but as you can see, they are great buddies already.  I LOVE this age (9 months) b/c they are so fun and active.  We had a little family meeting about the future, and then the temple names we’ll be doing tomorrow.

P1060756 The kids wanted to wrestle w/ Uncle Nate and “squish him like a june bug.”  Even Jackson wanted in on the action.

P1060757After all that fun and excitement, it was time to come home and go to bed b/c it was already 9:30.  Andrew came over and spent the night on the trundle bed in Autumn’s room.  We have to leave so early in the morning to be to the temple by the 8:00 session that Kylie is just coming over here in the morning to watch them.  After I got them tucked in, I started cleaning up some things around the house.  I heard them in there talking and laughing and I was going to go in and tell them to be quiet and go to sleep, but I just stood at the door and listened to them.  It was so cute to hear them talking and I’m glad they are such close cousins.

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