Friday, August 30, 2013

Labor Day Laboring In The Temple

P1100471 Today it got super busy at work for a few hours, which helped the day to go by faster.  After work, I headed straight to the temple b/c we were going to go as a visiting teaching group.  One of the ladies couldn’t come, one was out of town, and one locked her keys in the car at home and couldn’t make it.  I got there early, so I did initiatory before the 7:00 session.  It was great to be there w/ Maureen & her Mom & my cousin Tyler & his wife Emily came walking in!  How neat!  This is what it looked like when I walked in.

P1100472 This is what it looked like when I walked out.  I figured what better way to start Labor Day weekend than to labor in the temple?  I’m always so thankful for any time I can spend serving in the temple.

P1100475 These really tall plant/flowers were outside the temple and looked so tropical and caught my eye.  The visiting teaching girls were going to go out to dinner, but it was already 9:00 and I needed to get to Mom & Dad’s so I could get Autumn home and into bed for our big day tomorrow.  Mom & Dad had a FULL HOUSE tonight b/c Pam & Dave & their 3 dogs came up from San Antonio, Lexie & Jon & the kids were here, and Nate & Riannon.  It’s like the olden days where it’s Hotel Johnson again.  We love it!!!

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