Thursday, August 8, 2013

Practicing Handstands Against The Wall

P1100297Autumn has been SOOOOOOOOO into trying to learn how to do a handstand.  Some of the girls on her cheerleading team can, and a few girls in her class at daycare know how.  So, she asked me to help her do one against the wall.  I basically have to lift her legs up, lift her all the way off the ground to get her positioned the right space away from the wall, and lean her up against the wall for support.  It’s a good arm workout for me.

She was thrilled when she was able to stay up for 10 seconds (long enough for me to snap this picture) instead of just 3 seconds.  When she finally put her legs down, she ran over and gave me a hug as if I had given her a huge present on Christmas morning.  I’m glad something so simple made her so happy.

After her arms got too tired to hold herself up, she asked if she could do my hair.  I let her for a few minutes before she had to go to bed.  I had my eyes closed and was just enjoying her brushing my hair.  All of a sudden I heard her say, “This little fella wants to come over here, but I’m not letting him!”  I started laughing so hard.  She cracks me up.

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