Saturday, August 10, 2013

Watching Jacob & Swimmin’ With The Johnson Crew

P1100317 We had a lazy and relaxing Saturday morning, which was so nice to sleep in a little and just lounge around.  Liz & Liberty brought Jacob over so that they could go to the temple together.  I was THRILLED that they would think to ask us.  Jacob did great until he noticed that they were gone.  He started crying, and nothing that I tried was working to console him.  Nick finally emerged from his room & he sat on the couch & held Jacob while we watched Jake & The Neverland Pirates & Jacob calmed right down!  I went in the kitchen to get something and when I turned around, Jacob was imitating Nick by laying back on the couch & putting his feet on the coffee table.

IMG_1199 Once Nick got Jacob to stop crying, Jacob ran around and had a great time.  He wanted to eat his ants on a log that was in his bag, so Autumn sat w/ him at the table.  It’s funny to watch what a natural nurturer she is.  It’s a shame that she doesn’t have younger siblings in the home all the time, b/c she’d make a fabulous older sister.

P1100318 Once Liz & Liberty got back from the temple, we went over to Mom & Dad’s for a party w/ Uncle Robert & crew.  He & Aunt Sandy had Caleb at their house all week and were exchanging him for Brooke, and our house was the 1/2 way meeting point.  We had brisket, Aunt Jolene’s baked beans (they are so good they taste like candy), a veggie tray, chips & dip, watermelon, and cantaloupe.  Then after everyone’s tummies were full, it was time to swim.

P1100326 We had a jumping contest, which was a lot of fun.  This is Nick’s jump that he calls the Superman.

P1100339 Tyler did a flip and this looks like a PAINFUL landing!

P1100335 The BEST jump of all was Peyton.  He was trying to do a cannon ball, but every time he jumped he would grab his right leg straight out in the air and land on his butt.  We were all laughing so hard & all had to try doing the “Peyton jump.”

P1100341 I like this shot I got of Dad 1/2 way through his back flip.  His hat fell off right after I snapped this and before he hit the water.

P1100340 Autumn got some good height on this one, even though it looks like she doesn’t have a right leg from the knee down (it’s just tucked behind her).

P1100352After everyone was done swimming, Autumn & Brooke went in the house & came out wearing their towels on top of their heads like turbans.  The towels kept falling off, and they just laughed and laughed and thought they were so funny.

We spent the rest of the afternoon/evening just relaxing & watching movies and hanging out together.  Autumn was so happy that I let her do my hair.  I looked like Mufasa by the time she was done.  LOL!

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