Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day 2013

I have to remind myself that I do NOT like sleeping on Nick’s old bed.  The mattress is uncomfortable & the bed is way too short for me.  I kept waking up, and didn’t sleep well.  I finally took the extra mattress from the quilt room and put it on the floor and slept on that so I could stretch out.  But then I was cold b/c I didn’t have a blanket.  It was a wretched night.  I was supposed to go take picture for Liz’s whole family at 9:30 this morning, but Liberty got sick in the middle of the night, so we rescheduled for later in the month.  We had scrapple for breakfast, which we usually only have at Christmas.  But since we were all together and Nate & Riannon will be in Spain for Christmas, we decided to break tradition and have it today.  It was really good, but not as good as it tastes on Christmas morning.  Although, Nate thought it tasted super good b/c he is the one that made it last night for the first time.  He & Riannon made a great team and did a great job.

P1100533 It was lightly raining outside, but that didn’t stop Jackson from going outside and having fun.  He wanted to play in the rain and get in the pool and swim.  He obviously can’t be out there by himself, so Nate got in w/ him.  This is a RARE (as in never happened before) picture of Mom throwing the football back & forth with Nate!  Nate was so happy.

P1100539 Jackson is going to grow up to be our basketball star.  He had Jon move not just one, but both basketball hoops over by him so he could make shots standing on the Shamu Shelf.  He made most of the shots and is really talented.

P1100549 Mom gave Dad & Nick haircuts, and then it was Jackson’s turn.  He does such a good job and holds still while she cuts his hair.  We think it’s b/c Jon adjusts his neck & back all the time, so he’s used to holding still for things like this.

P1100552 Mom was so hot after being out in the humidity and cutting hair, that she just jumped in the pool w/ her pajamas on!

P1100555 We had Lexie get a shot of all of us in the pool.  I love my family so much!!!

P1100568 We had chicken fights and Nate beat Andrew…

P1100569 …then Autumn & Andrew tried it.

P1100591Nathan busted out the oil barrel and we convinced the kids to sit up there for a picture.  Autumn & Andrew loved it, but Jackson wasn’t too sure about it and wanted to get down ASAP.

P1100604 Then Nate & I had a handstand contest.  I was in the water, and he tried it on dry land.  That must have hurt his hands to be on those tiny pebbles!  Curt heard all the noise we were making and came over to check out the party and say hi.  We had lunch, and then finally got out and watched Shrek.

P1100610 The kids wanted to go play Legos in the back room, but Jackson was back there asleep.  So, Mom got out these big marshmallows and wooden dowels that she did w/ her Scouts to make catapults.  The kids had a blast launching marshmallows at each other.

P1100611 Lexie, Riannon, & I decided to get away for a little bit and go shopping.  Our first stop was the $1 Jewelry store.  I saw this huge pink sparkly bow and just had to try it on for fun.  Then we went to Dots where Lexie & Riannon got a few cute t-shirts.  Then the last stop was Michael’s where I loaded up on Project Life supplies b/c everything was 40% off plus I had another 15% off coupon!  They had 1 box of 5th and Frolic, and the box was damaged so they even game me another 25% off of that!!!  WOOT WOOT!

P1100612 When we got home, Nate wanted to do a face mask on himself, so I had him put one on me, too.  Autumn loved peeling it off my face once it had dried.  She said it was like peeling dried skin off a sunburn.

P1100621 We were so sad when it was finally time for Lexie & her family to leave and go home.  We’re so glad they were able to come up this weekend and spend time with us!

P1100626This big pink cloud was our view on the drive home tonight.  We came home a little earlier than usual so I could get Autumn to bed by 8:00.  We had a big weekend and I wanted her to be well rested for school tomorrow.  It was SO NICE having today off from work.  Too bad we can’t have 3 day long weekends all the time!

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