Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine’s Day 2014 … NOT!!!

IMG_2369 Today for Valentine’s Day, Nick & Mom went and picked up this girl named Stephanie and took her out to Cheesecake Factory.  Nick and Stephanie had gone on a double date a few weeks ago & have been texting ever since.  Every time I tease him about it, he makes sure to let me know that they are JUST FRIENDS and that he is not interested in her beyond just friends.  I’m glad he got to go out on Valentine’s Day!

IMG_2368I, on the other hand, had a rather pathetic Valentine’s Day.  Mom had me come pick her up as soon as I got Autumn & we went over to the car shop to pick up Dad’s truck that they had fixed.  Mom said she wanted to take us out to eat, so we headed over to a local Mexican restaurant.  When we got out of the car to go in, Autumn started being really sassy and rude.  I gave her a warning and told her she needed to stop or we would go home.  I didn’t even get 2 more steps when she said something really sassy, so I told her to go get back in the car b/c we were going home, having cereal for dinner, and she was going to bed.  I felt bad backing out on Mom like that, but she totally understood that I needed to follow through.  Autumn was a little stinker the whole way home and was whining and crying about how unfair life is as a 7 year old.  We got home and she went straight into her room on her own.  I cleaned up the dishes, and went to check on her about 5 minutes later.  She was sound asleep and was even snoring!!!

So, I made myself a fancy Valentine’s Dinner of a Totino’s pizza, snuggled up on the couch, and watched Pride & Prejudice.  Not exactly the way I had pictured spending my Valentine’s Day evening, but there’s always hope that next year will be better.  I debated about waking Autumn up around 7:30, just b/c I didn’t want her to wake up at like 10:00 and be wide away and ready to play.  I ended up letting her sleep, and she did wake up around 10:30, but I just made her come and lay down with me and we both went to sleep and slept the whole night.  Our bodies must have needed the rest!

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