Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Museum & A YW Movie Night

IMG_5208 Autumn doesn’t have school this week, but I still have to work.  Riannon said to bring her over to the house this morning instead of taking her to daycare, b/c they were all going to go to a local museum and wanted her to come w/ them.  I got this funny picture texted to me while I was at work!  LOL!  I later heard that these dinosaurs were pretty real looking & sounding.  The kids loved them, but were also a little scared of them b/c they moved too!

IMG_5206 My cute little raccoon!  They were going to take her to daycare after they were done at the museum, but Autumn & Andrew were playing so nicely that they just kept her home all day, which I know she loved!

IMG_5211After I got off work, I went to Mom & Dad’s, scared down some food, got Autumn & we rushed home for a movie night w/ the Young Women.  We watched The Princess Diaries, which some of them had never seen!  We didn’t have as many girls as usual tonight, but that’s ok.  It’s just an optional thing for those who want to come, and it’s fun to see the girls relax and be themselves.

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