Friday, March 13, 2015

Friday The 13th

IMG_6599 I was sad that Sis. Riggs was already gone when we got up this morning. I was going to make her Texas shaped waffles for breakfast. The reason we spent the night at Nate & Riannon’s last night was so we could watch Olivia today. It’s been spring break this whole week & daycare was closed today so the daycare teachers could go to teacher training. So, Autumn had nowhere to go & neither did Olivia. So, I told my boss last week I would have to take today off since my parents aren’t here anymore and they are my usual back up babysitters. We had some breakfast, watched cartoons, and then Autumn picked out Olivia’s outfit and got her dressed.

IMG_6601 We got in the car & headed to IKEA for their 99 cent breakfast. If you notice, I got 3 plates of food b/c Olivia eats as much as Autumn does! She chowed down and ate everything on her plate, and she’s only 1 year old!

IMG_6608 After our bellies were full, we decided to walk around and burn off some calories. Olivia didn’t like being in the stroller and preferred to be out and walking. Autumn was SO CUTE w/ her and helped guide the stroller while Olivia pushed it. Luckily it wasn’t very crowded so we weren’t getting in anyone’s way.

IMG_6611 This little rocking chair was in one of the kid rooms they have set up. Olivia LOVED it and also LOVED looking at herself in the mirror.

IMG_6612 I’m proud of myself, b/c we walked out of there w/out buying anything (other than breakfast). The girls had some more energy to burn and it was raining so we went to the mall so they could play in the kid area. Autumn was so sweet & attentive & careful w/ Olivia.

We came home, Olivia took a nap, and we spent the rest of the day just hanging out and watching TV. For dinner I made sweet & sour chicken over rice & broccoli, but the chicken was too tough and the sauce didn’t taste right b/c I used a recipe I found online that uses soy sauce instead of thinking to make the kind my Mom makes. Oh, well.

IMG_6619Mom & Dad have been using their free time in Utah to go to different temples and do a session. This was the picture they texted us today. I’m so thankful they are mine and that I am theirs and that they are setting such a great example for us.

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