Sunday, August 2, 2015

Importance Of Temple Marriage

Foof's Wedding_9_39Today was a good Sunday. I had ward council before church, and I’m so thankful for the wonderful men & women that I get to serve with. I taught all the young women combined today and the lesson was on the importance of temple marriage. I know the young women understand how important temple marriage is, so I wanted to present it in a different way.

Earlier in the week I had emailed all the YW leaders and asked them if they would share the story of how they met their husbands and what their wedding day was like. A few of them even brought pictures to share, which was fun to see what they looked like when they were younger.

There was one leader who was not married in the temple, b/c her husband is not a member. She said she wasn’t sure she should share her story, but I told her I definitely thought it was important for the girls to hear her story. When she was speaking the Spirit was SO STRONG! I shared my story of how I wasn’t living my life the way I knew I should and that I was NOT sealed in the temple. I also told the young women that even though things didn’t work out with my marriage, that I KNEWAutumn was supposed to be my daughter and that I was supposed to be her Mom. If that was the way it had to happen, I don’t regret that at all.

I’m thankful for the second chance I’ve been given and that I am now worthy to someday be sealed in the temple and to do things the right way. That’s one of the many reasons that I try and go to the temple as often as I can. It’s a reminder of what I want for myself if I ever remarry.

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