Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Butterhorn Roll Mountain

IMG_0088 It was sooooooooo slow at work today, so I finally asked my boss if I could leave at 2:00. Even though I knew it would be a madhouse, I went to Costco and WalMart to get a few more things we needed. Then I went and picked up Autumn from daycare.

We stopped by the Deckers to say hi and b/c they had something they needed to give me. Autumn made herself right at home and snuggled up on the couch w/ Kenzie even though we were only there for a few minutes. I’m grateful for friends who are more like family.

IMG_0090 We went over to Nate & Riannon’s so Nate & I could make butterhorn rolls to take to Tyler’s tomorrow. It’s our first year making them w/out Mom, so we were a little worried that they might not turn out the way they do when she makes them. I know this is a blurry pic we had Autumn take, but our facial expressions make me laugh.

IMG_0109 We made FOUR batches, and just when we thought we were done, we found another bowl full of dough! Nate took this picture and texted it to me when I got home tonight. I have to laugh, b/c I look like a GIANT next to Riannon. I don’t realize how tall I am until I see pictures like this. LOL!

IMG_0100 We had a MOUNTAIN of butterhorn rolls when we were done. Nate & I worked great together in the kitchen as a team, but we for sure missed having Mom (and Dad) here!

IMG_0102 Riannon made us a yummy dinner, which was nice after we worked hard to get all those rolls made. I’m thankful we get this 4 day weekend to relax, spend time w/ family, and create memories.

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