Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Frank's Shoulder Surgery

 My sweetheart had to have surgery on his shoulder today. I dropped the kids off at school, came home, picked him up, and we headed to the hospital. He got checked in, got called back to a prep room, and then we waited for almost 2 hours. Luckily there was a TV in the room so we watched The Price Is Right & talked. I might be biased, but I think he looks HOT in mint green.

It was cool, b/c I got to see the anesthesiologist give him a never block on an ultrasound machine. Frank was really loopy at that point b/c they had given him the good stuff to prep him for surgery.  I was glad I got to wear his wedding ring w/ mine for safe keeping while he was in surgery. I'll admit that I cried when they wheeled him away. I went & got some lunch, b/c it was 12:30 and I hadn't had breakfast yet.

 The surgery took about one hour. I checked some work emails while I waited for them to call me back. The doctor came out & told me everything went great. They didn't have to do anything to his rotator cuff, they cleaned out some of the inflammation, and reattached his bicep further down ... which was the main reason for all of the pain he was having. He was in recovery for an hour, and then I was finally able to go back & see him. He was wide awake & in great spirits. He was so happy b/c now he could eat & the first thing he asked for was some Diet Dr. Pepper. LOL!

 He could walk just fine, but they offered to take him out in a wheelchair & I said yes so I could get a picture of him like this. LOL. He had all the nurses laughing and was brightening their day.

 We went & turned in his prescriptions for pain meds & then he said he was starving. I asked him where he wanted to go & he said Olive Garden. So, that's what we did. It was so nice to sit and talk together out on a HOT DATE without the kids.

We got home from picking up his prescription & our AMAZING home teachers had brought us this DELICIOUS dinner & dessert. I'm so thankful for all the well wishes & prayers & good thoughts for Frank. We spent the rest of the evening relaxing & recuperating.


Jen T said...

Hope Frank recovers quickly and that it helps him a lot! Have a Merry Christmas!!

packmom said...

Wow! I've missed a lot in your life. Autumn has gotten so big and is so beautiful and you're having another girl. How amazing life is. Happy Holidays!