Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Free Relief Society Rummage Sale

 I spent my morning at the church setting up tables , sorting through clothes, books, toys, shoes, etc., and labeling the tables to make it easy for sisters to go through what they want.

 One of the treasures we came home with was this cute baby stroller. The front wheel was broken but Frank was able to fix that right away w/ a couple of metal screws. Alisa went gaga over it and kept putting her babies in it and pushing it around the living room.

 The women's section of the free rummage sale was definitely the biggest. A sister in our ward brought A LOT of nice dresses & clothes that were already on hangers, so we put those up on the wall. I really wish I wore her size ... darn it!

 There were some other great treasures in there like these lamp shades.

I am so sad to say that hardly anyone showed up. I thought it was going to be a huge hit, but we only had about 10 sisters come! When we realized we had a LOT of stuff we needed to get rid of I went around to the classrooms where they were having institute & self reliance classes. I told them when they were done to stop by the gym and get som treats and take whatever they wanted. It was hilarious that all the institue guys went straight for the toy table and were playing w/ light sabers.

I was thankful they came and took some stuff. They were also super awesome & helped us bag up and load a bunch of clothes into our vehicles to be donated to the local charity & clothing store. It was A LOT of work and not something I would do again anytime soon.

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