Thursday, July 26, 2007

So Sad & Yet So Good

I don't know if this made national news or not, but here in Dallas yesterday, there was this big explosion at a gas plant. I was taking care of Autumn and watching Rachael Ray when all of a sudden they interrupted the program to bring this breaking news. At a gas plant in downtown Dallas, some how a truck started on fire and all these tanks of gas were around and caused huge explosions and a tower of smoke over 4,000 feet in the air. It was addicting to watch it, and we were all glued to the TV for about an hour just staring. I was amazed when it first started showing on the news that cars were still driving by on the freeway, and these tanks of gas were flying through the air when they would explode. It's incredible that more people didn't get hurt. Anyways, it got me to thinking about how most people just see that as news. But think of all the people it affects... fire men who had to risk their lives putting it out, I wonder if the business owner had insurance, all those cars that caught on fire b/c they were at the auto shop next door, the companies that depended on that business for gas, etc. So tragic and sad.

But one good thing that came out of yesterday was that I went with my dad to do Meals on Wheels. My dad just amazes me. He's one of the busiest people I know, and yet he takes time out to give service to others. It was so fun to go with him and take Baby Autumn. At the first place we stopped, a cute little black lady came to the door. She just fussed over Autumn and said how cute she was. Then my Dad was wearing a Dallas Cowboys shirt and she said, "you go brother." I wish we could have stayed longer and talked to her more. It was just nice to forget about my own problems and hardships and realize that there are others out there who have it so much worse than me. It's nice to do good things for other people.

Then, on the way home we were driving down a two lane street when a big old tree branch fell out of the back of a truck going the other way right into the middle of the road on that side. So, my dad flipped a U-turn at the light and went back and took the branch out of the road. He's such an amazing example to me of working hard, doing something b/c it's the right thing to do, going the extra mile, etc. I really look up to him and hope that I am somewhat like him in those areas. He's one of the best people I know, and I am so lucky to have him as my dad.


Charlotta-love said...

I love your dad.

Janette and I were driving a few months ago and saw a guy with a flat tire on the other side of the loop. We found the next exit and turned around. By the time we got back to help, the tire was already on and the guy shrugged off our help. lol. oh well. It's the thought that counts right. :o)

Anonymous said...

Your Daddy is amazing, I have to agree. I have never seen a guy work so hard before in my life. He's like the Energizer Bunny and keeps goin' and goin'. Tell him I said, "Thanks again for the wonderful watermelon smoothies and waffles." His hospitality is so overwhelming. He's a good man, but he raised an amazing daughter as well....what a great Foof!


We really do have the best dad. He was really hard on us at times but that was only b/c he loves us sooo much. Dad is one of my heros too!!! Our kids are so lucky to have him for a grandpa!