Monday, January 2, 2012

What I Did With My Day As A Free Woman

P1040189 This morning Autumn & I slept in a little bit since I didn’t have to go to work and then we got ready for the day and I dropped her off at “college”.  I went and vacuumed out my car and got it washed b/c it’s been a long time since I’ve had it washed.  I always worry about getting my tires lined up in the little track for it to go through the wash.  Am I weird, or do other people worry about that too?  Anyways, after that I went to Mom & Dad’s house and Mom & I went and picked up Nick and went to the movie theater.  Mom spoils us rotten and got us hot dogs (b/c we hadn’t eaten breakfast yet) and drinks and popcorn.  We went & saw Sherlock Holmes 2 and it was SOOO GOOOD!  I hope they keep making more and more movies.  I love the acting, the cinematography, the music, just everything.  I especially like the end where they take a scene from the movie and morph it into an old fashioned drawing.  So cool!

mir Also, as we were leaving I saw a poster for the new Julia Roberts movie called “Mirror, Mirror” and it looks SO CUTE (you can watch the trailer HERE)!  I will definitely have to see it when it comes to theaters in March.

P1040190 After that, we were all hungry so we went to Chipotle for lunch.  It was so packed that there weren’t any seats.  So, we got our food and went and ate in the car.  Nick was starting to get antsy b/c he had to be to work in 2 hours and he likes to be early.  So, we went and dropped him off and then went to Payless so Mom could find some new sexy black heels to wear to Dad’s work party in a few weeks.  We had fun trying on random shoes that we would never wear for real, like these burnt orange super high heels.  Mom was able to find a pair that will work great.

P1040191 I went and dropped her off at the clinic so she could spend time w/ Dad and she took him our left over Chipotle b/c he hadn’t eaten lunch since they were so busy at the clinic.  She just got a ride home w/ him and I took her car.  I stopped at Target to get Autumn’s birthday present since her birthday is in a few weeks.  She keeps asking for a Jasmine doll, but they only sell a Jasmine doll in a big package w/ 6 other dolls and it is EXPENSIVE, but I broke down and bought it since I didn’t do a whole lot of gifts for her for Christmas.  I also stopped in at the $1 Spot, which is a bad idea.  I always tell myself that I’m grounded from there b/c I can’t help myself.  I am a total stationary and organization addict.  And for just $1 each w/ such cute styles and patterns I can’t help myself.

P1040193 I loved this mouse pad and the colors and graphics and thought on it.  I had a few hours to kill before I needed to go get Autumn, so I came home and spent an hour taking down all the Christmas lights outside and putting away the Christmas tree I didn’t use this year.  With my last hour as a free woman, I worked on Project Life while watching a show on TV.  Mom called to say she and Dad were going to go pick up Autumn since they were close to her school. 

I met them at their house and we had dinner together.  Mom said she had a hankerin’ for steak, so they had stopped and got some at the store.  We had that w/ grilled veggies and it was melt-in-your-mouth good.  We had 3 steaks and they were so big that we couldn’t finish the 3rd one and called Curt to tell him to come over right away.  He was more than happy to oblige.  After that, we hung out for a little bit and then came home so we could go to bed and get some beauty sleep.

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