Monday, August 26, 2013

Autumn’s First Day Of First Grade

IMG_0079 Time is such an odd thing!  It feels like forever ago that Autumn started Kindergarten, and yet at the same time it feels like it was just last month and there’s no way a whole year could have passed already.  But it has, and today was her 1st day of 1st grade.  It’s fun to compare the pics of her 1st day of Kindergarten to these, b/c she’s grown up & changed so much in just one year.

IMG_0081 She wasn’t nervous at all this morning, she was just excited.  I think it’s mostly b/c I let her wear these hot pink sequin wedge tennis shoes that are about 2 sizes too big.  But, she’s been begging to wear them to daycare all summer and I kept telling her no, and that she needed to save them for the 1st day of 1st grade.  Last night as we were laying out her clothes, she was practically giddy w/ excitement to set out her shoes knowing that she could wear them today.

P1100464On the way to school we reviewed her lunch code one more time just to make sure she remembered it.  I asked her if she wanted me to just drop her off since she already knew her way around the school, but she said she wanted me to walk her in.  I was so happy to do that, since it will be all too soon that she’ll be too cool for her old Mama.  I got her situated at her desk, her teacher came over and said hi, and then I left her.  I didn’t even get teary eyed or shed a tear.  I was just excited and happy for her.

When I picked her up today at daycare, I couldn’t wait to hear how it all went.  She said that she made some connections w/ 2 girls in her class b/c they had long hair, too.  She talked and talked and talked about how great her day was, and it made my Mama heart soar to hear that she had a good day.

We went to Mom & Dad’s for dinner and she told everyone about her day.  Mom made tilapia & grilled veggies for dinner & it was SO GOOD & completely hit the spot.  I do NOT like fish, but this didn’t taste fishy at all.  Autumn & I came home around 7:30 so she could relax and decompress from the day and play for 30 minutes before bedtime.

Once I got her in bed, I worked on putting the 79 pictures I had printed off (one for each month of her life) into a mini Project Life album.  I’ll post pics of it on my blog tomorrow.  Then when Nick got home at 9:30 I stopped by Sonic to pick up some 1/2 price shakes and went over to Christine’s.  Even though the new season of the Bachelor hasn’t started yet, we miss getting together to talk and see each other, so we made it happen.  We finally called it a night at 12:20 am!!!  I’m so thankful to have such great friends, even if I do a lot of listening and very little talking.  It’s a good thing that my life is so average & boring that I don’t have much to share.

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