Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Service & Organizing The Scary Office

Today after work/school we went over to Mom & Dad’s house and had Papa John’s pizza for dinner.  Since school has started, Autumn’s cheer coach moved practice from 7:15 up to 6:45.  I had her go get ready so I could drop her off before going to Young Women’s, and she had a MAJOR MELTDOWN!  She was freaking out b/c she didn’t like how her shorts fit.  In all fairness to her, she is extremely picky about how her clothes feel & fit.

But, she did not need to have a tantrum like she did.  She even was a sassy pants to Mimi, which is where I drew the line.  I told her she had 3 choices…she could wear her shorts, wear the pants she had worn to school, or call Coach Rachel & tell her she wasn’t coming.  She didn’t want any of those options so Mimi told her to go lay down b/c she was being ridiculous.

I texted Autumn’s coach to let her know we weren’t coming and that I was so sorry.  She texted back and said it wasn’t a big deal b/c she’s a teacher and knows how draining the first few days of school can be.  By the time I finished texting (about 2 minutes) Autumn was fast asleep!  Her schedule didn’t really change that much since school started, b/c we were getting up at the same time for me to take her to daycare.  But, I guess the structured schedule and stress of school was taking its toll her on.  Poor little bug!


Anyways, I left her there to sleep and went to Young Women’s.  We were combined w/ all the girls and we each brought something little to put into 2 different baskets.  We separated them into separate baskets to door bell ditch 2 ladies in our ward who are having some health issues.  I love it when we do stealth type service b/c it’s so fun.

I came home and was so excited to watch the new episode of Duck Dynasty.  Right in the middle of it I heard Nick come home and he had a friend w/ him.  Autumn woke up & wanted to come home and sleep in her own bed.  But, she was wired from having a nap and she just wanted to talk and talk and talk.  So, I didn’t get to watch the rest of the show, but that’s totally ok b/c she’s way more important than a show.  I gave her a shower b/c she was a stink bug Johnson & then she was ready for bed after that.

I went in the scary office where we have our holiday decorations and papers and stuff we don’t have a place for to find a church book.  Well, it wasn’t where I thought it was so I started to file some papers and organize.  Next thing I know, it was 12:30 am!!!  I should have taken a before & after picture, but I didn’t plan on organizing it when I first went in.  I didn’t completely finish organizing the scary office, but it definitely looks a whole lot better than it did before!

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