Sunday, September 1, 2013

Family…Isn’t It About Time

P1100504 Autumn & I skipped going to our ward so we could go to church at Mom & Dad’s ward.  That way we were all together as a family.  Mom even got up and bore her testimony, and made Lexie & I cry.  It was really nice to attend church together.  When we got home, I told Nate I wanted a picture of him & Riannon since he was wearing his fancy uniform.  We made them do one making a heart w/ their hands over her belly b/c we were making fun of one of those ecards on Facebook that said, “I turned her into CPS b/c she didn’t get a heart picture over her heart belly so that obviously means she’s an unfit mother.”  LOL!  They found out Friday that they’re having a little girl and they’re thinking of naming her Olivia Clara (Clara is Rufio’s Mom).

P1100509 We had left overs for dinner and Lexie & Autumn & I went in Mom & Dad’s room to watch Disney’s Teen Beach Movie.  Autumn has been wanting to watch it for a few weeks, so we recorded it on DVR and finally got a chance to watch it.  The songs & dances were cute but the story line was really disjointed and random.  I don’t think we’ll need to watch it again.  When Papa got home he was smothered w/ love from the grandkids.  Especially Jackson who likes wrestling w/ Papa.

P1100511 I was kicked out of the kitchen when it was time to get dinner ready, b/c Nate wanted to learn how to make stuff from Mom on his own.  Here they’re making the filling for homemade banana cream pie (the one out of the orange Betty Crocker cookbook).

P1100515 Then when it was time to slice all the onions for rouladin, Nate put on my pink onion goggles b/c his eyes were watering so bad.  Riannon pulled a face to show what a cry baby he is.  They crack me up, and she fits right in w/ us like she’s always been a part of our family.

P1100518 We didn’t eat until 7:30 pm b/c we had rouladin, gurken salat, garlic mashed potatoes w/ gravy, and rosenkohl.  I know this isn’t the greatest picture (especially Nick’s face), but it represents so many things that I’m grateful for…like sitting around the kitchen table w/ family and good food.

P1100520 After we ate, it was time for birthday presents for September birthdays (Dad, Nick & Riannon).  Here is Riannon modeling her new terry cloth robe that Nate got her.  I love it that she struck a pose and that the socks really finish off the look.

P1100524 Autumn got this new Indian Lego Friend girl and I told her we had to get a picture of the 2 Indian girls.  I was CRACKING UP when I saw that Andrew had photo bombed this picture.  And yes, Autumn’s hair is a crazy mess b/c she took out the fancy braid I had done for church.

P1100528 After all the fun of presents, it was time for pie.  Each of the September birthday people got their own pie.  For Riannon & Dad it was banana cream pie & for Nick it was blueberry.

P1100529Andrew decided to photo bomb this picture of them blowing out their candles after we sang happy birthday.  It was 9:00 by the time we were done w/ that, so we said family prayer and got the kids to bed.  I did up a bunch of the dishes and then sat on the couch and blogged for a little bit.  At 10:30 I took Autumn upstairs and we slept in Nick’s old room.  It was a great Sunday together as a family.

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