Sunday, April 13, 2014

End Of Girl’s Weekend & A Cute Easter Fireside Treat

IMG_1459 I was actually able to sleep pretty well last night.  My body naturally woke up at 7:30, so I went ahead & got up & put some finishing touches on my lesson for Young Women’s today.  Karri is missing from this pic, b/c she was still asleep at 8:30!

IMG_2903 Dad is so awesome & made us his famous Texas shaped waffles for breakfast.  Delicious!  Autumn & I had to leave at 9:00 so we could go home & get ready for church.  I am bummed that we missed sacrament meeting, but I was not about to wake her up early & rush to try and make it.  That’s always a bad way to start the day b/c then she’s cranky all day.

IMG_2905We made it to church in time for the 2nd & 3rd hours.  I taught today on HOW the Priesthood was restored.  We ran out of time & were just able to cover the basic facts, but didn’t get to the “meat & potatoes” part of the lesson.  Darn it!  Autumn & I came home so she could change clothes & we could drop off our church bags.  Then we went over to Mom & Dad’s.  Mary & Jessie came over & had the usual Sunday dinner w/ us.

P1110651 I left at 5:45 so I could take Karri’s phone charger & blanket to her that she left a Mom & Dad’s.  Then I dropped off a pot of rice at the east church building for Nick for the Young Single Adult branch dinner.  Then I went to the stake center to get things ready for our Single Adult fireside.  Pete was in charge of refreshments & made these super cute & festive Easter basket cupcakes.  Our speaker at the fireside was Patriarch Kovac, and he did a great job.  I instantly liked him, b/c his Dad is from Slovenija, so we were able to talk about lots of Slovenija things.  It made me “heart sick” for the country I love.  We had a good turn out of about 40 people from all over the metroplex.

1 comment:

Jen T said...

What a fun weekend for you, and those waffles rock!!! have a great Easter weekend!