Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Artwork & Barbie Hairstyles

Riannon had a doctor's appointment today, so Autumn & Olivia got to go to a friend's house in their ward for a few hours. It looks like Autumn had a BLAST w/ her new friend. I'm so glad she's getting to do fun stuff like this instead of being stuck at daycare all week! The artwork that she brought home was painted so nicely. She really did a great job.

Autumn tested out some of the new hairstyles she's been watching videos about online on her Barbies tonight. She really likes the one w/ the braids on either side that wrap up and around the ponytails. She had me try that on her hair, and it looked ok, but wasn't as fancy as it looks on the Barbies.

Usually we would have YW tonight, but everyone was doing class activities. I only have 2 active Laurels right now (the others are inactive or have graduated), and one of them was out of town and one of them was working. So, we didn't have YW tonight. It was nice to have a Wednesday night off.

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