I got up this morning, came home and changed, and went to the temple. It was a good endowment session, and I LOVED this simple nativity in white that they have set up at the front of the temple.
After the temple I went to Mom & Dad's house to see what was going on. I am so sad that Autumn has to go back home tomorrow. It's been SO FUN having her here. Her cute little tongue that is always hanging out is so endearing.
The kids had fun out in the front yard "helping" Papa put up Christmas lights. Mom was busy making turkey bone soup & washing Jackson & Andrew's clothes.
Autumn LOVES to climb trees and wanted me to take a picture. I'm glad that she enjoys being outside and being active.
Mom & Dad started loading up the car to take Andrew & Jackson back to Lexie & Jon. We decided to be silly and climb in the front seats. We're sad they have to go back home, b/c it's been so much fun having them here!
When they left, Autumn & I went to my nail appointment (I got gold tips again). Then we went and got our favorite penne dolcelatta for lunch since it was nearby.
We had nothing going on this afternoon, so we decided to decorate for Christmas. I'm so happy that Autumn likes to decorate the tree. I just hand her the ornaments, and she puts them where she wants. We're lazy and didn't even fluff the branches, so there's big empty spots but we just filled those in w/ ornaments and called it good.
After we got the tree all decorated, we set up the train.
After that was done, we went outside to put lights on the bushes. That took quite a while, but we were in work mode and decided to keep going. So, we each got a pair of scissors and cut back these grass looking plants to prepare them for winter. Autumn was SUCH.A.GOOD.HELPER!!!
We got to watch Baby Jordan tonight while Liz & Lib took Jacob to see Trolls. Jordan did great for about 4 minutes after they left. But then he realized they had left him and he cried for an hour straight. I felt so bad for him! We loaded him up in his carseat and went to Chick-Fil-A to use a coupon for a free ice cream as a treat to Autumn for being such a good helper. We were hoping that being in the car & driving around would help him stop crying. It worked the last 2 minutes of our trip. We got home and he started crying again. I was finally able to get him to take a bottle and he eventually fell asleep. He was only asleep for about 15 minutes before Liz & Lib came back.
Poor Autumn tried so hard to make him happy & get him to smile. It was a good lesson for her to learn that sometimes they just need to cry. We knew nothing was wrong w/ him other than he was sad. Autumn did great and didn't freak out or get angry or frustrated when he cried. That's a good sign that she'll be a good babysitter & good Mom.
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