Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Circle Of Life (Surrounded By Pictures)

 Mom brought us Panda Express for dinner tonight. I'm glad I got a 2nd burst of energy and stayed up late last night (1:00 am) to finally clear off both tables (kitchen & formal dining room). They were COVERED with pictures that I'm trying to scan.

 Last night I had sorted through the pile of pics I had for Mom. There were a bunch that didn't have dates on the back of them, so I had her tell me where she thinks they go chronologically. How cool to have pics of your life spread out around you! I ADORE this picture!!!

 I had a few minutes to help Autumn w/ her homework before the YW came over. We couldn't have our activity at the church tonight b/c it's all set up for the nativity this weekend. So, we met at my house. Lauren was a sweetie & tried to help Autumn w/ her math homework while I got stuff together for our activity.

We made some cute little signs and then went and "heart attacked" the door of one of the other leaders. Her Mom passed away last week, so we wanted to let her know she is LOVED. Then everyone was hungry so we went through Wendy's & got their 4 items for $4. Not the most spiritual activity ever, but I'm glad we had so many Laurels there and that they didn't have to work tonight.

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