Saturday, November 12, 2016

Happy Birthday Savi, Autumn Got Glasses, & Last Cheer Game Of The Season

 Autumn & I got up this morning and left to run some errands. We wanted to get to Costco right after it opened so we didn't have to deal w/ huge crowds. We got a Costco cake & a warm winter coat for Autumn. Even though it was only 10:00 am, she wanted a churro & a slice of pizza. She likes putting the cinnamon/sugar on her lips to look like glitter. LOL.

 We stopped by the $1 store to get some balloons & a few other things. We went over to Mom & Dad's and gave Savi her balloons. Today is her birthday!!! YAY!!! Autumn stayed at Mom & Dad's house while I went to WalMart to get some groceries for Mom for Savi's birthday dinner.

 Autumn & I hurried home so she could get ready for her final cheer game of the season. I got a phone call, and it was WalMart calling to say that her glasses were ready to be picked up!!! We RUSHED over there to get them so we could make it to her game in time. She looks SO STINKIN' CUTE in her glasses. She was so happy & kept saying how crisp & clear everything looks now.

 It was our Super Bowl, and was a close game until the 3rd quarter. Then we had a fumble, an interception, and our defense fell apart. We lost the game, but we had a great cheering section for the football players & cheerleaders.

 Our boys were sad they lost, but were happy w/ their 2nd place trophies.

 Our girls doing their cheer for the last time this season.

 Our girls were so patient as they cheered for each of the boys as they went up and got their trophy and their picture taken w/ the coaches.

 Today is Coach G's birthday, but she wasn't there today b/c her daughter is in a cheer competition. I didn't know that, or else I wouldn't have brought balloons & the big Costco cake. It all worked out though, b/c we shared the cake w/ the football players and parents. It was a big party/celebration under the bleachers. I'm so thankful Dad came to watch the last 1/2 of Autumn's game b/c he helped me carry the cake and card table over to the bleachers. He also helped serve the cake. What will I do without him & Mom when they go on their 2nd mission?!?!?!

 I gave the 2 coaches that were there their present. I made them each a book of pictures that I took over the course of the season. This project has CONSUMED my life for the past 2 weeks. I had to sort through the thousands of pictures, pick out the ones to use, put them into the template, add all the text, etc. I finally finished it and went to order it, and I had chosen the wrong type of book and it wouldn't ship until next week! So, I had to go in and recreate the whole thing again in the right template. But then it timed out and wouldn't save, so I had to do it a THIRD time!!! I'm so thankful it finally worked and this moment right here made the whole ordeal worth it. The coaches & their girls are so appreciate and gushed over how much it meant to them.

 Autumn couldn't wait to get over to Papa & Mimi's house to show everyone her new glasses. This shot kind of shows the different colors in her glasses. They look maroon/purple from the front and blueish from the top. SO CUTE!

 We watched the BYU football game on the iPad, b/c it wasn't on any of the major channels on TV. I didn't get a picture of Savi's birthday dinner b/c in true El Salvadorian fashion, she & Nick were an hour late. So, we just ate without them b/c we had told them we were eating at 5:30. We had Ollie North chicken, Oriental rice, and zucchini.

Mom stayed home w/ Autumn so Dad & I could go to the Saturday evening session of Stake Conference (Mom wasn't going to go anyways). It was good & uplifting. I had to go up and take a picture of this STUNNING flower arrangement one of the sisters in the Stake had done. I LOVE the big pine cone looking things and of course the birds of paradise.

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