Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tired Tuesday

 Mom texted me this picture today around lunchtime. I'm so thankful that Autumn's been able to stay at their house while I'm at work. It's saved A LOT of money not having her go to daycare. Plus it's really nice for her to get to spend time w/ Papa & Mimi before they go back out on their next mission.

 It was slow at work today, and I got a lot of calendars & schedules ready for Young Women's for 2017. I also took a few of my Project Life scrapbook pages to work and got the journaling updated. I'm all caught up w/ printing pictures for the year, but am backlogged to July on the journaling.

We just did KFC for dinner tonight b/c Mom wasn't in the mood to cook. Poor Dad has been really sick all day and spent all day on the couch watching football. Mom knew he was SUPER SICK when he wouldn't even have a bite of scrapple for breakfast. He was able to keep down some applesauce for dinner, which was in Adam's superhero pouches in the fridge. LOL! We hope he gets feeling better soon.

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