Sunday, February 5, 2017

A Fond Farewell To Frank & Spencer

The picture quality on this isn't the best, but Spencer was beyond thrilled that he got to sit in the Corvette this morning and get some pics to send to his friends. Imagine how through the roof Spencer was when my Dad let Frank drive the Corvette w/ him in it around the block!

They came over to our house once we had gotten up and gotten ready for the day. We just hung out in the morning and I worked on some stuff for Young Women's. Frank helped me keep Nestle Tollhouse cookies going in and out of the oven so I could take them to church to give to the YW. We also did up the dishes together really quickly. Many hands make light work. While we were doing that, the kids were hanging out in the living room. It was so cute to see Autumn & Spencer interacting like siblings would.

Even though it's fast Sunday, we went ahead and made a healthy lunch together since Frank & Spencer were going to have to leave right after church. It was so much fun to cook together and show him how I make simple yet healthy meals.

Here we are eating our first meal together in the formal dining room. Autumn was so cute and even made little place tags w/ our names on them when she set the table. It was so nice to defer to a priesthood holder to call on someone to say the prayer over the food.

 After we ate, we left to go to church. They hadn't planned on staying, so they hadn't brought any church clothes. I kept telling them that it doesn't matter what you wear to church. All that matters is if you're there or not. We had stopped at WalMart last night to grab a white shirt for Frank. He looked so handsome, and just borrowed a tie from Dad.

Sacrament meeting was AMAZING!!! It was a big Sunday for me, b/c not only were Frank & Spencer there with us for the first time, but I was also released as the Young Women's president in my ward (more about that below). The hymns that we sang felt like they were picked specifically for us. The one that really stuck out to me was hymn #87 "God Is Love." The last verse was especially applicable:

All the hopes that sweetly start from the fountain of the heart,
All the BLISS that ever comes to our earthly human homes,
All the voices from above sweetly whisper: God Is LOVE.

Sitting in sacrament meeting, holding Frank's hand, listening to him sing, and feeling the Spirit was my very favorite part of the whole entire weekend. After church I had SEVERAL people tell me that we looked like a happy little family sitting on our usual bench together. They said it seemed so natural & normal & like it had always been that way. That meant a lot to me!

Saying goodbye to Frank & Spencer was soooooo hard!!! Autumn didn't even wait until we had finished the closing hymn. She just got up, waved goodbye, and took off to go to class b/c she said she didn't want to start crying. SO TENDER! I walked them out to their truck after a bunch of people stopped us in the hall to say hi & meet Frank & Spencer. I didn't want them to leave, and they didn't want to go. It was a tearful goodbye, especially when I hugged sweet Spencer. I finally had to just walk back into the church so I didn't keep standing there saying goodbye and then getting just one more hug.

 Young Women's was emotional too! I was released and the cute lady on the far left w/ the blue dress and white cardigan is the new YW's president. We met one evening last week so I could give her the rundown on the schedule, meetings, advice, etc. We didn't even get to a lesson today b/c she had the old YW presidency & also the new YW presidency members share our testimonies. I wanted to keep mine short & sweet. I gave each girl & leader a cute little certificate w/ a descriptive word about them that started w/ the letter of their first name. For example, Creative Christy or Lovely Lauren. I also told them I only have 2 things I want them to have learned from me and to remember always:

1) All that matter is LOVE.
2) Once you turn 12, CTR stands for Current Temple Recommend

I told them to always make sure they can have a CTR, and then I gave them each a temple charm necklace that Bishop had found in his office when he was cleaning it out last year. I have LOVED serving in YW for the past 5 years. I was Laurel adviser for 2.5 years, and then YW Pres for 2.5 years. I will miss the girls & other leaders sooooooooo much! It has been a privilege to KNOW them, to SERVE them, and to LOVE them. But now I'm excited that I get to go from being the "Mom" to the "Grandma." Who doesn't love getting to spoil them, talk with them in the hall, and then send them off to class??? LOL!

 It was soooooooo nice after church to just leave and not have to worry about attending any meetings. Although, it was really hard to give up my keys to the building and the library. LOL! Autumn & I went over to Mom & Dad's house to help Mom get food ready for the Super Bowl. It was so cute to see Nate, Riannon, & Olivia standing at attention during the national anthem.

 We had sandwiches w/ all the fixin's, chips, dip, and treats. It was DELICIOUS!!!

I spent half the game talking to Frank & making sure they got home safely. It was so TENDER to see Autumn snuggled up next to Papa on the couch. We stayed until it was tied at the end, but then had to get home so Autumn could go to bed. I didn't even watch the rest of the game b/c I was talking to Frank.

I had really high expectations for this weekend, and was putting A LOT of stock into how it went. How Frank & I felt in person, how Autumn interacted w/ them, what family & friend's impressions were, etc. I am THRILLED to say that things exceeded my high expectations in ways I can even describe. Everything was so easy & effortless & comfortable & normal. WHEW!!!

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