Friday, May 5, 2017

Rachel's Reception

 I went to pick up the mail today, and on the way back my tire pressure indicator lit up. It did that a few weeks ago, and I had Frank fill it back up for me. But, I did notice a tiny nail in the tire so I took it to Costco & they repaired it for me. While I was waiting for that to get done, Frank & I had a good while he was on his drive to work. I'm so thankful that we're able to have deep & meaningful discussions that get to the nitty gritty of life instead of just always being fun & fluff type conversations. Both kind are important in a relationship & we have a healthy balance of each. I'm grateful for him & the insights he has & the wisdom he shares with me. He helps me to think of things in a new way that I hadn't considered before.

 Autumn got a coupon at school for a free kid's meal at Arby's for good behavior, so she wanted to use it for dinner tonight. She LOVES their curly fries and pretends like they're spirally earrings.

 After dinner we came home & both took a quick 30 minute power nap. Then we went to Rachel's wedding reception. There were sooooooo many people there, and it was like a fun church reunion, b/c I hadn't seen some of the other guests in a long time. I was also getting lots of inspiration and ideas for my own reception when that time comes. I'm so thankful for Rachel & the great choices she has made in her life. I went to her baptism right after I got home from my mission, and as I was hugging her she said, "now you've been able to see me in 2 white dresses." It was so tender & special & we just love her and her family so much!

My tummy started to bother me on the drive home, and as soon as we got home I knew something was wrong. I'm pretty sure I got food poisoning, and I'm just thankful that it was me & not Autumn Bottom. It's MISERABLE!!!

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