Sunday, May 21, 2017

Visiting Teaching & Recommends

Sooooooooooo, I was lying next to Autumn last night to get her to go to sleep when Sis. A called at 10:30 pm. There's only ONE REASON she would be calling so late ... our clearance letter had come in the mail. I told her I'd be over to her house in a few minutes and she said she was already halfway to my house! I was waiting for her out in the driveway when she got there. I opened the letter and it said that WE HAD PERMISSION TO BE SEALED!!! Frank cried on the phone when I read it to him & so did I. What a huge blessing & answer to so many prayers.

Frank had NOT planned on coming down to visit today like he usually does on Sundays, b/c I had visiting teaching appointments set all day and I wouldn't really get to see him or spend much time with him. However, since we got the letter last night we now need to get our live ordinance recommends done ASAP so we can try & get sealed this coming Saturday. The reason for the rush is b/c he's moving down here next week to start his new job & we really want/need to be married before he moves down here. Otherwise, Autumn & I will have to go over and sleep at my parent's house every night until we can get married.

But, we were able to set up a time after church for Bishop A to do our live ordinance recommend interviews, so Frank said he would do whatever it took to make it happen. So, even though he was just here yesterday, he got up early this morning to drive down again and be here for church.

I LOVE these swirling circle chairs at Christy's house. She was our first visiting teaching appointment today at 10:30.

 Then at 11:30 we went over to Zulema & Ashley's. We are going to miss Ashley so much when she leaves on her mission in a few weeks. She's such a great example & wonderful "big sister" to my Autumn Girl! We hurried home from that visit and Frank was waiting for us at our house.

We went to church and it was WONDERFUL to get to sit next to him in sacrament meeting & during Sunday School. Bishop was able to do my interview during Sunday School, and then he met w/ Frank after church. Now we just need to meet w/ the Stake President. Unfortunately he wasn't able to meet w/ us today b/c he was out of town for meetings. So, Frank will just have to drive down here AGAIN on Tuesday!

Cheryl is an ANGEL & invited us to come over after church for dinner. She also invited Christy & her Dad. We had hamburgers, potato salad, fruit, and we brought a few things to contribute to the meal as well. It was nice to eat and sit and visit. Then we went over to Christy's house to see the updates & renovations her Dad has done to the house. I'm incredibly grateful for Frank & the man of character that he is. It was hard to say goodbye to him again, but it helps to know that he'll be back on Tuesday.

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