Saturday, July 22, 2017

Chores & Relaxation

 Whew! Another busy Saturday. I dropped Autumn off at cheer practice and then went to the temple. It is always so peaceful & calming just to drive onto the temple grounds. I missed having Frank with me, but I am so grateful I was able to go.

 I hurried back just in time to get Autumn at the end of cheer practice. Her coach is so awesome to always provide popsicles for the girls to cool down.

 Autumn & I came home & tackled this HOT MESS that is her room. We went through EVERY.SINGLE article of clothing she owns & either put it in the "keep" or "donate" pile. Then we washed all the "keep" clothes so she can be organized & ready for school once it starts. It also gave me an idea of what she has as far as outfits & what we need to buy before school starts.

 We rewarded ourselves by going to Costco b/c we needed to pick up a few things. We also got a pizza for lunch & will give the rest to the boys when they get home tonight. We tried finding her some cheer shoes at one of the Payless stores that is closing, but everything had been way picked over.

 We came home, worked on her room some more, rested, and then went to get our nails done. Autumn was so happy to see that Annie was there. They had fun making silly things out of Play-doh & just talking together. It's funny to see their height difference even though they're less than 2 years apart.

 Liz came over to hang out for a while and just talk. She was showing Autumn how to do situps. Jordan's face in this picture cracks me up ... so cute!

 Frank got to spend some more time w/ Grant today, which is good for both of them. I know it's been really hard on Grant to be alone, & I know that Frank really misses being around Grant. He got some chores done around his parent's house, and then picked up the 3 boys & headed home.

 He was so excited to show me that he found some Atomic Fireballs. My Mom wanted to see if we could find any to send to her in South Africa, & we had looked at WalMart, Target, & even Winco and we couldn't find any. GO, FRANK!

He also surprised me w/ this BEAUTIFUL bouquet of flowers! He knows how much I love lilys. He's beyond good to me, and I am so incredibly thankful that he and the boys made it back home safely & that we were able to read scriptures together, say prayers, and all go to sleep under the same roof again.

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