Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Taco Salad & Anniversary of Tara's Death

Frank has been a ROCK STAR w/ helping out lately since I'm tired and my stomach is picky due to the pregnancy. He made his super yummy taco salad for dinner tonight & it totally hit the spot. He made so much that we had a whole big extra bowl, so we offered to take it over to a family that he home teaches. The missionaries & Susan were going to come over tonight, but ended up having to cancel so we had a quiet night at home.

You would think I would learn not to leave my cell phone charging in the kitchen. Otherwise, I get funny selfies like this on my phone. LOL!

Today is the 9 year anniversary of my best friend Tara's death. I posted this on her Facebook page today:

It's almost impossible to believe that you left this world 9 years ago today. It still breaks my heart when I think about it. I hope you know how THANKFUL I am for you & your friendship ... you literally changed my life in a myriad of ways. I know for a fact that you & Frank's best friend Matt (who is also in Heaven) played a major role in bringing Frank & I together. It will be such a sweet reunion & awesome PAR-TAY in Heaven someday when we are all reunited. I LOVE you soooooooo much ... even more than my luggage!

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