I got up early this morning so I could take Spencer over to the church at 7:00 am for the Stake Young Men's basketball tournament. I love it that they start each game w/ a prayer. It usually consists of asking for safety, that everyone will have fun & be a good sport, and that they'll remember this is just a game! Ba ha ha.
Tricia & Lily got to be the score & time keepers, and they did a great job.
I dropped him off, came home, went back to sleep, and then Autumn and I went over to the church at 11:30 to watch Spencer play. They won that game, and weren't playing again until 1:30. So, Autumn & I ran to WalMart to get some groceries and snacks. Spencer & Tricia & Lily were all hungry so we brought them back some food. We made it to the finals and lost the final game. Darn it! I blame it on Bishop A being released, b/c we won all 5 years that he was the bishop. LOL.
Frank got to pick up Julian & Mason last night, and they went and saw Jumanji at the theater today. I'm sad we weren't able to make the trip up to OK this time to spend time w/ Julian & Mason.
We went back over to the church this evening for Daegan's baptism. His Mom got baptized almost a year ago, and he decided to be baptized also. Autumn & I got there early so we could help set up the refreshments. It was a BIG turnout, and we're so proud of him. This is also our new bishop, Bishop F.
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