Monday, February 26, 2018

Crepes & Hats

 Autumn LOVES crepes and has been begging me to make them for months. So, I finally taught her how to make them tonight. I sat at the counter and told her what ingredients to put in the blender. Then I showed her how to cook them on the stove in a small pan. We had bananas, strawberries, cream cheese filling, and whipped cream to fill & top them with. They were super delicious. They're really easy to make, so we need to include them into the rotation more often.

Frank found this hat upstairs, turned the brim inside out, and was wearing it around the house. I cracked up when he came around the corner of the living room in this getup. He always keeps us on our toes and keeps us laughing!

I had an OBGYN appointment today, and Frank wasn't able to make it b/c he was picking Spencer up from school. But, it was just a usual check up where all they did was measure my belly and say I'm still measuring a week big. My doc said we need to schedule an induction date just in case baby girl decides she wants to stay in past her due date! I can't believe we're only 2 months away from my due date! SO EXCITING!!!

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