Friday, February 2, 2018

Ultrasound & Girls Night Out

 Frank & I met up for lunch today before my OBGYN appointment. He picked Chick Fil A. It was so fun to get to sit and talk and spend time alone together in the middle of the day.

 At my appointment a few days ago the doctor said that my uterus was measuring about 2 weeks bigger than it should, so she wanted an ultrasound done. I'm kind of glad, b/c we never got the anatomy ultrasound done at the specialist. They went ahead & did that today as well. They said the baby is measuring a week and 1 day bigger than what they thought. But, there's no cause for alarm and everything looks great. In this picture, you can see her face and her little hand up underneath her chin. We call it her "Uncle Rico pose." LOL!

 In this one, you can see her face on the right hand side, her hand in the middle, and then her 2 legs on the left hand side. She's got her knees tucked up into her chest. It's crazy to me that we could see 2 leg bones in both of her legs. It was wild to see her spine & rib cage. Technology blows my mind!

These are her 2 feet, the left and right one. The right one isn't a very good shot, but that's OK. We are so excited to be kissing on those stinky little feet in about 3 months!

 Frank & Grant took Spencer to Oklahoma. They met Spencer's Mom halfway so that Spencer could spend the weekend up there w/ her and Julian & Mason. The usual time was last weekend, but he couldn't miss 2 days of school and the next usual time won't be until the middle of Feb. Autumn & I went to Taco Cabana & shared a cabana bowl & sopapillas for dinner.

Then we went and got Liz and went to one of the local high school's musicals. They did "Leader of the Pack: The Ellie Greenwich Musical." I'd never heard of Ellie Greenwich before, but she wrote A LOT of hit songs in the 60's. It definitely was NOT my favorite musical, but I'm glad we went to see it and that we got to have a Girl's Night Out. Our favorite part of the musical was watching these 2 boys dance. One was over the top animated and one was horrible at dancing. We kept looking back and forth at the 2 of them and cracking up. Good times!

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